Foundation for the Preservation of Yungdrung Bön / གཡུང་དྲུང་བོན་ཉར་ཚགས་རིག་མཛོད།


Today, 15th day of the 1st month of the Zhang Zhung calendar, Bönpos celebrate the birth of Buddha Tönpa Shenrab. According to tradition, the Buddha of Yungdrung Bön was born 18,037 years ago in Olmo Lungring, a sacred region of Tagzig (Thazig). This is where he began teaching the way of liberation from cyclical existence and from there his teachings radiated out through space and time, reaching us here today. Excerpt from: The Four Wheels of Bön ༎བོན་འཁོར་ཚིག་བཞི།།, Oral Teachings by Lopön Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche, Transcribed, compiled and edited by Carol Ermakova and Dmitry Ermakov, FPYB, UK, 2016. Cover image: Read more
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Happy Zhang Zhung Losar to all our friends! May it be an auspicious year for everyone! ཞང་ཞུང་ལོ་གསར་བཀྲ་ཤིས་བདེ་ལེགས་ཞུ། Read more
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Those attending Tenzhug and the Empowerment to be given by Yongdzin Rinpoche at the end of January 2020 may be interested in this text in English and Tibetan. THE LAMP WHICH DISPELS DARKNESS: the practice manual of DU TRI SU which purifies obscurations and dredges all beings from the depths of Samsara / དུ་ཏྲི་སུའི་སྒྲིབ་སྦྱོང་གི་སྒྲུབ་གཞུང་མུན་སེལ་སྒྲོན་མ་འཁོར་བ་དོང་སྤྲུགས་བཞུགས།།. The practice manual is offered at cost price (plus P&P). To order click the button below: ORDER THE MANUAL Read more
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by Dmitry Ermakov from Masters of the Zhang Zhung Nyengyud: Pith Instructions from the Experiential Transmission of Bönpo Dzogchen Main topics discussed:– Historical background to Bönpo Dzogchen– Qualities of Master and disciple– Introduction to the Path of Dzogchen– Introduction to the Lineage Masters of Zhang Zhung Nyengyud– Structure of Zhang Zhung Nyengyud cycle–  Comparison with writings on Dzogchen by Longchen Rabjampa– Lineage Tree– Zhang Zhung Garab and Garab Dorje– An excerpt from the “Golden Spoon” discovered by Yungdrung Lingpa translated specially for this publication by Yongdzin Rinpoche– A Mongol Connection– Experiential Transmission– Modern-day Transmission READ ARTICLE BUY BOOK Read more
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On this anniversary of Gongdzö Ritröpa Chenpo (Tib. rMe’u dGongs mdzod Ri khrod chen po / རྨེའུ་དགོངས་མཛོད་རི་ཁྲོད་ཆེན་པོ། (1036 – 1096), founder of Athri Dzogchen (Tib. A khrid Rdzogs chen / ཨ་ཁྲིད་རྫོགས་ཆེན།), here are a few words by him on how to practise Dzogchen taught by Kyabje Lungtog Tenpai Nyima Rinpoche, the 33rd Menri Tridzin: There are a few words of introduction by Gongdzö Ritröpa Chenpo who said that in order to achieve Enlightenment one must first meditate. In order to meditate so that we can achieve Buddhahood, we must realize the View. In order to recognize or realize the View, Read more
  Categories : FPYB NEWS  Posted by FPYB   , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,  No Comments

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