Foundation for the Preservation of Yungdrung Bön / གཡུང་དྲུང་བོན་ཉར་ཚགས་རིག་མཛོད།

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Foundation for the Preservation of Yungdrung Bön is a small non-profit organisation working to preserve the rich teachings of Yungdrung Bön. Founded in 2012 with the blessing of Yongdzin Lopön Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche, FPYB was officially registered with the UK Charity Commission as an educational body in 2017 (Registered Charity (England & Wales) 1173639). Our first translation was made at the request of Yongdzin Lopön Tenzin Namdak in 1996, and since then we have worked in close collaboration with Yongdzin Rinpoche and other bona fide Bönpo lamas to produce dozens of books, videos and practice materials, many of which are now available to serious practitioners. We also hold a growing archive of teaching materials.

Why is it important to preserve Yungdrung Bön teachings through translations and edited transcripts?

Your own mind is the root of both happiness and suffering;
Knowing how to train it in the positive way, that is the basis for happiness
Merely following the passions of your mind, that is the basis for the ocean of miseries and sufferings.
Thus if you know how to choose the right way, you are an excellent person.

Oral instruction by Yongdzin Lopön Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche (Trnsl. Kh. Gelek Jinpa, C. Ermakova & D. Ermakov)

Since leaving Tibet during the Chinese Cultural Revolution, Yongdzin Rinpoche has devoted his whole life to preserving his lineage for future generations, and an important aspect of this is publishing books. His first mission in exile was to collect the scattered copies of the Bön Kanjur and Katen which had either been miraculously smuggled out of Tibet or had survived in ancient Bön temples in Nepal. Yongdzin Rinpoche’s aim was to gather and reprint the necessary texts to re-establish the Geshe training programme in exile, and it is thanks to his tireless efforts that many contemporary Bönpo lamas now have the knowledge and qualifications to teach.
Here in the West, we are very fortunate. We can simply browse the internet or look in a bookstore to find many books on Buddhism, and even a few on Bön. However, authentic translations by erudite masters are very rare indeed, so it is our joint responsibility to do all we can to ensure the teachings of great master, Yongdzin Rinpoche and other erudite Bönpo lamas, are recorded intact, seriously and respectfully, not only as study and practice aids for ourselves, but also as an invaluable legacy for future generations. As Yongdzin Rinpoche is the current, supreme lineage holder and because many contemporary Bönpo lamas received empowerments, transmissons and instructions from him, his teachings and translations are especially precious as they are imbued with the powerful blessings of the living lineage transmission. For over 20 years, our Founding Members Carol Ermakova and Dmitry Ermakov have been working closely with Yongdzin Rinpoche and other lamas transcribing and editing Bönpo texts. They have recently been joined by a team of translators for Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese and Russian. All our staff are unpaid volunteers. As Yongdzin Rinpoche says: ‘Books are my friends.’


Our dedicated, experienced team works in close collaboration with authentic Bönpo lamas to ensure all our publications are accurate, reliable and professional.


Our projects focus on preserving the rich wisdom of Yungdrung Bön as a living tradition for generations to come.

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本教六大女性成就者之一: 觉萨本莫

本教六大女性成就者之一——–觉萨本莫 གཅོ་བཟའ་བོན་མོ། 觉萨本莫(གཅོ་བཟའ་བོན་མོ། / ཅོ་ཟ་བོན་མོ།)是早期西藏本教故事里的一位女性人物,在本教历史学家所描述的佛教与本教的冲突中扮演了重要角色。觉萨本莫出生于公元8世纪的达波匝休(དྭགས་པོ་རྩ་ཤོད།),其名寓意“觉族之女,本教之媖”。父亲为觉氏家族的久布朗察(གཅོ་གྱིམ་བུ་ལན་ཚ།),母亲为嘉莫吉江(རྒྱ་མོ་སྐྱིད་ལྕམ།),又称达莫江(བདའ་མོ་ལྕམ།)。据记载,达莫江在孕育觉萨时,频繁出现吉祥的梦境与征兆。觉萨诞生之时,有众多空行母(堪卓མཁའ་འགྲོ།)前来祝福。她美貌出众,心性天然平和明澈,幼年即轻松掌握读写的能力。在儿童时期,觉萨本莫常常梦中做供养、游神界,并从雍仲本教祖师敦巴辛饶弥沃(སྟོན་པ་གཤེན་རབ་མི་བོ།)的弟子们,来自象雄和印度的辛波(གཤེན་པོ།)大师处接受加持。“辛波”特指雍仲本教(གཡུང་དྲུང་བོན།)的大师,以此区别于其他本教信众。 觉萨成年后,父母为她安排了婚事,但她无心嫁娶。机缘成熟,觉萨邂逅了她的根本上师占巴南卡 (དྲན་པ་ནམ་མཁའ།),这位本教早期的主要人物之一,也被藏传佛教尊为莲花生大师的弟子。占巴南卡认定觉萨就是如来意传 (བདེར་གཤེགས་དགོང་བརྒྱུད།)中,女性佛陀桑萨仁尊(བཟང་ཟ་རིང་བཙུན།)的化身。为避其父母察觉收徒之意,占巴南卡乔装成乞丐,来到觉萨府邸乞讨。相传,觉萨在初见占巴南卡时,心中便充满了法喜,随即决定离舍世俗的生活,遁世修行。她佯装疯癫,从家中逃离,藏匿在桑耶寺 (བསམ་ཡས།)附近的红岩中。尽管家族多次派人寻找她,皆无所得。自此,觉萨隐于山间,并专注修持前行(སྔོན་འགྲོ།)和禅坐。 觉萨本莫做为占巴南卡的弟子与明妃,接受了珍贵的教法与指引。特别是觉萨与上师的另两位弟子,她的 “雍仲兄弟们”(གཡུང་དྲུང་སྤུན་གྲོགས།)——藏王赤松德赞(ཁྲི་སྲོང་ལྡེའུ་བཙན།, 741–796年),以及藏族译师巴果贝若扎那,共同接受了《空幻宝库》 (南卡呈佐ནམ་མཁའ་འཕྲུལ་མཛོད།) 与《心际本觉》 (叶赤塔塞ཡེ་ཁྲི་མཐའ་སེལ།)等本教佐钦传承的教法。本教史料记载,赤松德赞在本教遭受迫害的前后,均曾修习本教的法门。 图片经许可使用 觉萨本莫还与另一位伟大的本教圣者聂钦李西达让(ཉ་ཆེན་ལི་ཤུ་སྟག་རིང་།)结下了深厚的法缘,并成为了他的明妃。在聂钦李西达让处,觉萨接受了四灌顶(དབང་བཞི།),以及诸多珍贵的教法和指导,特别是本教佐钦传承的《大圆满宣讲三类》(扎巴果松རྫོགས་ཆེན་བསྒྲགས་པ་སྐོར་གསུམ།)和《大圆满极顶法界》(央孜隆钦རྫོགས་ཆེན་ཡང་རྩེའི་ཀློང་ཆེན།)。觉萨本莫在位于桑耶寺上方的西波日山(ཧེ་པོ་རི།)上的隐居处实修了所有教法。 传统本教史料记载,在藏王赤松德赞领导的佛教政权下,雍仲本教经历了一场有针对性的大规模暴力镇压,部分学者将这一事件的时间定位在公元783或784年左右。据称,当时的本教寺庙、圣物以及修行人团体普遍遭到破坏,本教喇嘛要么被杀害,要么被迫皈依佛教,或者被流放到边远地区。觉萨本莫则在扎卡瓦钦(བྲག་མཁར་བ་ཅན།)坚持隐修。根据本教文献的记载,她是当时卫藏地区唯一仍在公开修持雍仲本教的信徒,并且,鉴于她与赤松德赞之前的师兄关系,得以获得赤松德赞的庇护而免受迫害。 据本教史料所述,赤松德赞目睹国家因雍仲本教遭受打压而急剧衰败,亲赴扎卡瓦钦向觉萨求教。觉萨严正警告藏王,其反本教的政策若不改,情况会加更糟糕,他不仅需要终止迫害行为,还需召回流亡在外的本教上师,并恢复他们公开修习雍仲本教的自由,否则西藏政权将面临分崩离析的危机。 藏王赤松德赞采纳了觉萨的意见,并赐予她大量金银财宝,作为迎请流亡辛波(上师)的礼金,并恳请觉萨亲自将他们召回。在觉萨的努力下,这些上师陆续返回,并获准公开修行。他们不仅被赋予尊贵封号,还得到各式各样的供奉,以及分布西藏各地的封地。这些辛波举行了一系列藏王急需的法会,建造特殊的佛塔(མཆོད་རྟེན)以压制不祥之气。对此,赤松德赞颁发诏令,明确印藏佛教与雍仲本教应并行不悖,共荣发展。 觉萨本莫继续遵循上师的教导精进修行,并获得了诸多神通(དངོས་གྲུབ),例如神足通、将鹿角绑九个结、从远方召请大师显现于前、仅凭禅定来维持生命等等。在她一百六十岁高龄时,在冈仁波齐山(ཏི་སེ)的本璞(བོན་ཕུག)(本教的修行洞)中,觉萨成就了大迁转虹光身(འཇ་ལུས་འཕོ་བ་ཆེན་པོ),没有留下任何遗骸。这是大圆满之道的至高成就,也是雍仲本教的觉悟之顶。觉萨本莫被人们尊崇为“本教六大女性成就者”(བོན་མོ་གྲུབ་ཐོབ་མ་དྲུག)之一传扬至今。 根据聂钦李西达让在《央孜隆钦》(文本位于《九意传二十七修法总义》དགོངས་རྒྱུད་དྲུག་གི་ཀླད་དོན་ཉི་ཤུ་རྩ་བདུན་ཉམས་ཀྱི་མན་ངག་གནད་ཀྱི་ཡིག་ཆུང་)内的预言,觉萨本莫在觉悟佛果之后,于西藏与中亚各地示现了诸多身、语、意的殊胜化身。 身化身:扎霍尔(ཟ་ཧོར།)的雍仲格丹玛(གཡུང་དྲུང་དགེ་ལྡན་མ།),象雄德丹城(བདེ་ལྡན།)的德秋桑莫(བདེ་སྤྱོད་བཟང་མོ།),以及在西藏和克什米尔之间的的十八个化身。 语化身:位于藏中地区的拉珍(ལབ་སྒྲོན།)、尼玛珍(ཉི་མ་སྒྲོན།)、聂聂(ཉ་ཉ།)、贡嘎桑莫(ཀུན་དགའ་བཟང་མོ།)等,共十三位。 意化身:安多和康区的星莫(ཞིག་མོ།)、内古坚(ནེ་གུ་རྒྱན།)和谢尔扎(ཤེལ་ཟ།) 根据预言,众多化身将会持续地在卫藏,尤其是在桑耶地区显现。 作者:迪米特里·叶尔玛科夫,保护与传承雍仲本教基金会主任,《波与本:西伯利亚与西藏的古老萨满体系及其与中亚佛陀教义的关系》(2008年出版)作者。 本文于2024年6月发表 译者:杨辰 中文翻译于2024年9月发表 版权所有 © Dmitry Ermakov, 2024

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Essential Dzogchen Teachings from Drubdra Khenpo Tsultrim Tenzin

རྫོགས་པ་ཆེན་པོ་ཞང་ཞུང་སྙན་རྒྱུད་ལས་ཕྱི་ལྟ་བ་སྤྱི་གཅོད་ཀྱི་མན་ངག་ལེའུ་བཅུ་གཉིས་པ་ལས།། རྣམ་རྟོག་ཐོལ་གྱིས་སྐྱེས་པ་དེ། །གཅེར་གྱིས་ལྟས་པས་ཁྲོལ་གྱིས་གྲོལ། །གཏད་མེད་ཡེ་ཤེས་ས་ལེ་བ། །ཐོད་རྒལ་ཡེཤེས་བྱ་བ་ཡིན། “Suddenly a thought appears. Look back, and watcher, watched and watching liberate by themselves into their own nature. In this instant, your Dzogchen awareness appears clearly to you. That is Direct Wisdom.” This quotation is just four sentences, but they are very, very important. We believe these words first appeared from Kuntu Zangpo. From: Drubdra Khenpo Tsultrim Tenzin. How to Practise Dzogchen in Daily Life: Teachings by Drubdra Khenpo Tsultrim Tenzin in Triten Norbutse Monastery, Kathmandu, on the occasion of Yongdzin Rinpoche’s 95th birthday, February 2020 (UK: FPYB, 2021), p. 6. Drubdra Khenpo Tsultrim Tenzin,[…]

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Новая книга Йонгдзина Ринпоче на русском языке

«Сущность сердец кхандро: Наставления опыта бöнпо дзогчена, Тридцать символов и смыслов от йогинь женской Линии духовой преемственности» Однажды в Шентэне Дарджье Линге, европейском бöнпо центре во Франции, где мы тогда работали с моей женой Карол, мы обсуждали различные книжные проекты с Йонгдзином Ринпоче – как и какие книги переводить на другие языки. Он тогда сказал: «Когда юнгдрунг бöн появляется в новой стране, первые две книги, которые необходимо перевести и издать, это «Masters of the Zhang Zhung Nyengyud: Pith Instructions from the Experiential Transmission of Bönpo Dzogchen» и «Heart Essence of the Khandro: Experiential Instructions on Bönpo Dzogchen, Thirty Signs and[…]

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Bönpo Centres in Russia

We recently visited two major Bönpo centres in Russia, one near Moscow, the other north of St. Petersburg, and are happy to share this progress report. Khenpo Drubtön Arta Lama’s centre, near Dmitrov, just north of Moscow, is currently undergoing major renovation. Plans include a library on the second floor of the main gompa, a kitchen, dormitories for retreatants, additional space for thrulkhor teachings, retreat cabins as well as facilities for lamas and of course landscaping the grounds and erecting a stupa. The second, Khenpo Geshe Rinchen Tenzin’s centre, Pure Lands, covers 16 hectares 180 km north of St. Petersburg[…]

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Diffondere la saggezza suprema – Ritiro Dzogchen in Italia

Sono ancora disponibili pochi posti per questo speriale Ritiro Dzogchen in presenza in Tuscana, 4-7 Ottobre!  Il Testo:  Diffondere la Saggezza Suprema: Spiegazione Concisa e Commentario sulla Preghiera di Supplica al Signore Tapihritsa, Emanazione della Mente di Kuntu Zangpo.  Questo è un testo  breve e molto importante che Yongdzin Lopön Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche ha scritto in Tibetano alcuni anni fa. Esso include una spiegazione chiara della Visione  Dzogchen, e del frutto del praticare questo sentiero di Grande Perfezione.  Diffondere la Saggezza Suprema si basa sulla preghiera di ispirazione che Gyerpung Nangzher Lödpo canto spontaneamente quando incontrò per la prima volta[…]

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Spreading Supreme Wisdom – Dzogchen Retreat in Italy

There are still a few places left for this special in-person Dzogchen Retreat in Tuscany, 4-7 October! The Text: Spreading Supreme Wisdom: Concise Explanation and Commentary on the Supplication Prayer to Lord Tapihritsa, Mind Emanation of Kuntu Zangpo This is a short and very important text that Yongdzin Lopön Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche wrote in Tibetan some years ago. It includes a clear explanation of the Dzogchen View, and the fruit of practising this path of Great Perfection. Spreading Supreme Wisdom is based on the inspiring prayer which Gyerpung Nangzher Lödpo spontaneously sang when he first met Tapihritsa and relaised he[…]

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With the full support of Yongdzin Lopön Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche, the supreme lineage holder of the tradition, Foundation for the Preservation of Yungdrung Bön has published a range of books on many aspects of Yungdrung Bön, from a full-colour travelogue covering historic Bön sites in Nepal to detailed Tantric teachings. As well as edited transcripts of teachings on Dzogchen, we also publish translations of prayers and ritual practices for those who have appropriate transmissions.

We are currently working with a team of translators so more books in various formats will soon be available in Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish and Russian.   All our publications are made in close collaboration with authentic Bönpo lamas.

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Our multimedia section offers presentations, short videos and full-length films in English. This is a great way for both scholars and practitioners to find out more about this ancient spiritual tradition.


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