Foundation for the Preservation of Yungdrung Bön / གཡུང་དྲུང་བོན་ཉར་ཚགས་རིག་མཛོད།

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Our Mission

Foundation for the Preservation of Yungdrung Bön is a small non-profit organisation working to preserve the rich teachings of Yungdrung Bön. Founded in 2012 with the blessing of Yongdzin Lopön Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche, FPYB was officially registered with the UK Charity Commission as an educational body in 2017 (Registered Charity (England & Wales) 1173639). Our first translation was made at the request of Yongdzin Lopön Tenzin Namdak in 1996, and since then we have worked in close collaboration with Yongdzin Rinpoche and other bona fide Bönpo lamas to produce dozens of books, videos and practice materials, many of which are now available to serious practitioners. We also hold a growing archive of teaching materials.

Why is it important to preserve Yungdrung Bön teachings through translations and edited transcripts?

Your own mind is the root of both happiness and suffering;
Knowing how to train it in the positive way, that is the basis for happiness
Merely following the passions of your mind, that is the basis for the ocean of miseries and sufferings.
Thus if you know how to choose the right way, you are an excellent person.

Oral instruction by Yongdzin Lopön Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche (Trnsl. Kh. Gelek Jinpa, C. Ermakova & D. Ermakov)

Since leaving Tibet during the Chinese Cultural Revolution, Yongdzin Rinpoche has devoted his whole life to preserving his lineage for future generations, and an important aspect of this is publishing books. His first mission in exile was to collect the scattered copies of the Bön Kanjur and Katen which had either been miraculously smuggled out of Tibet or had survived in ancient Bön temples in Nepal. Yongdzin Rinpoche’s aim was to gather and reprint the necessary texts to re-establish the Geshe training programme in exile, and it is thanks to his tireless efforts that many contemporary Bönpo lamas now have the knowledge and qualifications to teach.
Here in the West, we are very fortunate. We can simply browse the internet or look in a bookstore to find many books on Buddhism, and even a few on Bön. However, authentic translations by erudite masters are very rare indeed, so it is our joint responsibility to do all we can to ensure the teachings of great master, Yongdzin Rinpoche and other erudite Bönpo lamas, are recorded intact, seriously and respectfully, not only as study and practice aids for ourselves, but also as an invaluable legacy for future generations. As Yongdzin Rinpoche is the current, supreme lineage holder and because many contemporary Bönpo lamas received empowerments, transmissons and instructions from him, his teachings and translations are especially precious as they are imbued with the powerful blessings of the living lineage transmission. For over 20 years, our Founding Members Carol Ermakova and Dmitry Ermakov have been working closely with Yongdzin Rinpoche and other lamas transcribing and editing Bönpo texts. They have recently been joined by a team of translators for Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese and Russian. All our staff are unpaid volunteers. As Yongdzin Rinpoche says: ‘Books are my friends.’


Our dedicated, experienced team works in close collaboration with authentic Bönpo lamas to ensure all our publications are accurate, reliable and professional.


Our projects focus on preserving the rich wisdom of Yungdrung Bön as a living tradition for generations to come.

Latest News

Anniversary of Drenpa Namkha & Sons

Today is the anniversary of Drenpa Namkha and his twin sons, Tsewang Rigdzin and Pema Thongdrol. So it is an auspicious day to offer long or short Tsog of Drenpa Namkha, if you have transmission, or recite the Prayer to Lachen Drenpa Namkha found in Heart Essence of the Khandro. To read story of the Three Drenpa Namkhas, Tsewang Rigdzin and Pema Thongdrol please click the button below:

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Краткая биография Чозы Бöнмо

Опубликована Краткая биография Чозы Бöнмо на русском языке.

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Celebrating Seven Years of FPYB

Dear Friends! Today is our 7th anniversary as a registered UK charity, and we’d like to share some of the highlights of this past year with you. Meeting the Masters, Donating Books In February, Carol and Dmitry visited Yongdzin Rinpoche in Triten Norbutse Monastery, Kathmandu and presented him with copies of our recent publications. As ever, it was a very joyful occasion. Thanks to very generous sponsorship, in April we were able to attend the final days of the Menri Drubchen Ceremony at Menri Monastery, Dolanji in India. This was a wonderful event, and as well as meeting friends old[…]

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Breve biografia di Choza Bönmo

Choza Bönmo (gco bza’ bon mo/co za bon mo) è una importante figura femminile nella narrativa Bön della piu antica religione Tibetana, giocando un ruolo nel conflitto che gli storici Bön descrivono tra Bön e Buddismo. Lei nacque in Dakpo Tsasho (dwags po rtsa shod) nell’ottavo secolo. Il suo nome significa “Signora Bön, figlia del clan Cho”. Suo padre era Gyimbu Lentsha del clan Cho (gco gyim bu lan tsha) e sua madre era Gyamo Kyicham (rgya mo skyid lcam), nota anche come Damocham (bda’ mo lcam). Si dice che mentre era incinta di Choza Bönmo, Damochan ebbe vari sogni[…]

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On 22nd June 2024 we heard the sad news that Lama Yangtön Tashi Gyaltsen of the Yangtön lineage passed away in Kathamandu. We were fortunate to have met him on our first visit to Nepal in 1996 when we shared many meals and lively debates with him in Triten Norbutse Monastery. Here is a short biography: Lama Yangtön Tashi Gyaltsen was the son of Nyima Tseten. As a young boy he received the genyen[1] vows from Lama Nyima. He received initiations of external, internal and secret divinities according to the system of the ancient masters and completed a traditional three-year[…]

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Тöнпа Шенраб Миво и Будда Шакьямуни

Сегодня опубликован перевод краткого Учения Йонгдзина Ринпоче о связи Будды Тöнпа Шенраба Миво и Будды Шакьямуни, как это объясняется в текстах традиции юнгдрунг бöн.

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With the full support of Yongdzin Lopön Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche, the supreme lineage holder of the tradition, Foundation for the Preservation of Yungdrung Bön has published a range of books on many aspects of Yungdrung Bön, from a full-colour travelogue covering historic Bön sites in Nepal to detailed Tantric teachings. As well as edited transcripts of teachings on Dzogchen, we also publish translations of prayers and ritual practices for those who have appropriate transmissions.

We are currently working with a team of translators so more books in various formats will soon be available in Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish and Russian.   All our publications are made in close collaboration with authentic Bönpo lamas.

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Our multimedia section offers presentations, short videos and full-length films in English. This is a great way for both scholars and practitioners to find out more about this ancient spiritual tradition.


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