Browse our catalogue of public books.
These publications are restricted to Bönpo practitioners who have received relevant transmissions and teachings.
With the full support of Yongdzin Lopön Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche, the supreme lineage holder of the tradition, Foundation for the Preservation of Yungdrung Bön has published a range of books on many aspects of Yungdrung Bön, from a full-colour travelogue covering historic Bön sites in Nepal to detailed Tantric teachings. As well as edited transcripts of teachings on Dzogchen, we also publish translations of prayers and ritual practices for those who have appropriate transmissions.
We are currently working with a team of translators so more books in various formats will soon be available in Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish and Russian.
All our publications are made in close collaboration with authentic Bönpo lamas.
Few people realise just how much it costs to produce books. Aside from the hours spent writing, translating, editing and proofreading, there is layout and cover design to be done, and this requires some skill as well as advanced computer software. Then once a book is published, FPYB is legally obliged to provide five Legal Deposit Libraries plus the British Library with a copy each at our own cost, which can run into hundreds of pounds a year. Our staff are all unpaid volunteers and we try to keep our books affordable, so we rely on your support to keep going.
Books in English
Teachings by H.E. Yongdzin Lopön Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche.
Preface by Geshe Gelek Jinpa.
Introduction by Dmitry Ermakov.
This volume contains Bönpo Dzogchen Masters’ quintessential pith instructions on the Clear Light meditation. These teachings have come down to us over many thousands of years directly from the primordial Buddha Kuntu Zangpo through an unbroken lineage which is still transmitted and practised today. Here these heart teachings are delivered in a free and inspiring style by the current lineage holder, Yongdzin Lopön Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche, along with his own instructions on the practices of Guru Yoga, Trekchö and Thögal. This is the first time he has made his teachings on the Experiential Transmission publically available in English.
Masters of the Zhang Zhung Nyengyud is a beautifully produced hardback, 154 pages, with over forty-five full colour illustrations; in keeping with tradition, each master’s instructions appear alongside his image from a set painted in Tibet before the Chinese takeover.
Another unique feature of this book is the lineage tree diagram thanks to which we can easily trace the various branches of the Zhang Zhung Nyengyud lineage from its source to the present day. This is the first time such a diagram has been compiled.
“The key instructions contained in the Zhang Zhung Nyengyud are extremely important as by following them it takes only one lifetime to achieve Buddhahood; through practising these teachings, many great practitioners – including the Masters here as well as Shardza Tashi Gyaltsen and his students – achieved Rainbow Body in one lifetime.”
Geshe Gelek Jinpa
It is rare to find a recorded lineage of female teachers in either Bön or Tibetan Buddhism, but here thirty heart teachings of Bön Khandro are being made publically available in English for the first time. In fact, this book combines many unique features in one concise volume.
First and foremost, the Dzogchen Yetri Thasel Mogyud, a succession of women from all over Central and Inner Asia who received precious Dzogchen teachings, and went on to achieve complete Buddhahood within one lifetime. These amazing ladies of wisdom practised with perseverance in a variety of circumstances and, gaining insight into the true Nature of their own minds, they obtained miraculous powers and passed on the essence of their experience to a single female disciple. These quintessential pith instructions were collected like precious drops of nectar and written down by the eighth century Bönpo sage Lachen Drenpa Namkha.
Yongdzin Lopön Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche, the most erudite teacher of Yungdrung Bön, has taught on this text twice in the West, and the transcripts have been edited and amalgamated here. The book also includes a translation of the root text.
Another major feature of this publication is the specially commissioned thangka of this cycle of Khandro painted by Geshe Mönlam Wangyal. Images of this female lineage are extremely rare, and Yongdzin Rinpoche consulted various texts to compile a detailed description of each lady. This text is also included here, and the image of each Khandro is printed alongside her heart teachings enabling the reader to invoke her blessings while reading.
The second half of the book is dedicated to the last yogini in this lineage, Chöza Bönmo, who not only fully realized the ultimate meaning of Dzogchen but also played a pivotal role in saving the teachings of Yungdrung Bön from almost certain annihilation during the eighth century persecution in the reign of the Tibetan king Trisong Deutsen. As an inspiration to Western students, Nagru Geshe Gelek Jinpa has compiled her biography by extracting key episodes of her spiritual path – the teachings she received from her two main masters Lachen Drenpa Namkha and Lishu Tagring, how she practised, and her inspiring Song of Experience. This is a path which, with the guidance of the teachings translated here, we can all aspire to follow.
Apart from the transcript of Yongdzin Rinpoche’s teaching, this is a bi-lingual publication in English and Tibetan.
Also included are:
Prayers to Drenpa Namkha and Chöza Bönmo;
25 colour plates with the images of individual Khandro, Drenpa Namkha, Lishu Tagring etc;
A full colour poster of the Mogyud thangka.
This book is based on the teaching discourse given by Kyabje Yongdzin Lopön Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche on The Four Wheels of Bön. Found in Zijyi, the long biography of Tönpa Shenrab Miwoche, the Buddha of Yungdrung Bön. This discourse combines the oral translation of the original text with the direct instructions coming from the mind of the Teacher of Teachers – Yongdzin Rinpoche, the most illustrious and erudite Bönpo master and scholar of our times. Since the teachings contained in this volume form the very foundation for the practice and study of Yungdrung Bön, this text will bring benefit to all, from those who are just beginning to take an interest in this most ancient and authentic spiritual tradition to those who have already been studying and practising for many years, as well as to academicians and Bönpo scholars.
ORDERམ་རྒྱུད་དགོངས་སྤྱོད་རྣམ་གསུམ་བསྡུས་པ་བཞུགས།། The Short Practice of the Threefold Active Contemplation from the Mother Tantra is a guru yoga (bla ma’i rnal ‘byor) from Bönpo tantric cycle of Magyu. This booklet contains original Tibetan text and English translation by Drubdra Khenpo Tsultrim Tenzin, Carol Ermakova and Dmitry Ermakov.
Pages: 32
Binding: Saddle Stich
Cover: Colour, Glossy
Dimetions: A5 (5.83 x 8.27 in / 148 x 210 mm)
Interior Cover: Standard B&W
Price: £6.00 (Excl. VAT and P&P)
Prints in 3-5 business days
This bilingual Tibetan-English hardback edition with 45 full-colour illustrations includes six texts composed by Drubdra Khenpo Tsultrim Tenzin on the Path of Method from the Mother Tantra of Yungdrung Bӧn. With detailed instructions on Guru Yoga, tummo, tsalung, thigle practice, and an elaborate explanation on channels, chakras, winds and thigle as well as an invaluable chapter on clearing problems (gagsel), this book is the perfect companion for anyone seriously interested in using these methods to balance their inner elements for self-healing and stabilise their experience of the Natural State. Full colour, with Glossary, illustrations of channels, chakras, mudras, body postures, and translation of Magyu Guru Yoga. Translated from Tibetan by Drubdra Khenpo Tsultrim Tenzin, Dmitry Ermakov and Carol Ermakova. Illustrations by Yungdrung Rabten. This book also features a specially commissioned thangka of Drenpa Namkha yab-yum for the practice of Four Joys, painted by Geshe Mӧnlam Wangyal.
Book Size: US Trade (6 x 9 in / 152 x 229 mm)
Page Count: 259 Pages
Interior Colour: Colour Premium
Illustrations: 45 full colour
Paper Type: 80# White
Book Binding: Hardcover
Cover Finish: Matte
Price: £59.47 GBP (excluding VAT and P&P)
Prints in 3-5 business days
The teaching presented in this book is an edited transcript of a retreat given by Drubdra Khenpo Tsultrim Tenzin, Abbot of the Meditation School at Triten Norbutse Monastery, Kathmandu (28.12.2021 to 01.01.2022). Broadcast via video link from Nepal, the retreat was dedicated to instructions from the Mother Tantra of Yungdrung Bön on taking dreams as the path.
Although this book has been made public following Khenpo’s explicit wish, anyone who seriously wants to apply these methods must seek an authentic master and receive the authorisation and transmission in person. This will give the practitioner the ability to clearly understand the meaning of these instructions and connect him/her to the blessing of this lineage, thus ensuring their practice bears fruit.
Binding: Paperback
Interior Color: Color
Dimensions: US Trade (6 x 9 in / 152 x 229 mm)
Price: £14.68 (excl. VAT and P&P)
Prints in 3-5 business days
This public discourse on the practice of Dzogchen in daily life was given by Drubdra Khenpo Tsultrim Tenzin as part of a series of events – conference, rituals, initiations, teachings and cultural program – organised at Triten Norbutse Bönpo Monastery, Kathmandu, Nepal to celebrate Yongdzin Lopön Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche’s 95th birthday in January 2020.
ORDERMagyu Tsalung & Tummo is the first such detailed and richly illustrated manual for the ancient practice of yoga of winds, channels, inner heat and physical exercises. Here, Drubdra Khenpo Tsultrim Tenzin teaches a text extracted from the Mother Tantra of Yungdrung Bön, the spiritual tradition of Tibet which stems from the Central Asian Buddha Tönpa Shenrab Miwo who predates the more widely known Indian Buddha Shakyamuni by thousands of years.
While these techniques were previously reserved for those initiated into the Mother Tantra, Drubdra Khenpo has decided to share his daily practice with a wider audience because these methods have the potential to bring profound benefit not only for the development of meditation but also for health.
The tsalung and tummo techniques explained in detail here can be practised safely, but it is advisable to receive scriptural authorisation and further instructions from the master in order to avoid common pitfalls and further develop your practice.
This book is available in two editions, the second includes the original Tibtean text.
Pith Instructions on Dzogchen is an edited transcript of the Dzogchen instructions given by Yongdzin Lopon Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche for the Zhang Zhung Nyengyud Gomdra Group at
Shenten Dargye Ling on 17th September, 2015.
This book is an edited transcript of the discourse given by Kyabje Menri Tridzin Lungtog Tenpai Nyima Rinpoche during his visit to Shenten Dargye Ling Bönpo centre, France, in 2010. The teachings are based on Athri Bönpo Dzogchen cycle and contain clear and lucid instructions on approaching Dzogchen, starting from Preliminary Practices right up to the Introduction to the Natural State of Mind, Dzogchen itself.
Kyabje Menri Tridzin Rinpoche’s unique teaching style combines scholastic brilliance and profound personal experience with humour and a knowledge of life’s sometimes harsh realities. This book will be equally useful to all, from those who have just discovered the Yungdrung Bön tradition to academicians and scholars, students and practitioners.
Hailed as a fascinating and unique book, this is the first in-depth study of its kind comparing the ancient Bön religion with the Siberian shamanic tradition of Lake Baikal. Combining scholarly research with spiritual insight and with over 200 illustrations, maps and diagrams, the information is presented in a clear and lively way, enabling the reader to navigate easily through the various topics dealt with and to follow the threads of the intricate tapestry woven as the parallels between the ancient shamanic traditions of Tibet and Siberia unfold.
However, it goes much further than usual research in comparative religion can; while Bө and Bön stands up to academic scrutiny, it is written from the perspective of ‘an insider’ and the author draws on his many years of experience in both Yungdrung Bön and the Bө Murgel tradition of Buryatia to bring this subject to life and help us unlock some hidden aspects of both belief systems.
This book contains hitherto unpublished interviews with Yongdzin Lopön Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche and Khenpo Tenpa Yungdrung, excerpts from their teachings and presentations given especially for this publication as well as detailed analyses of offering rituals and ransom rites. It is richly illustrated with pictures of Bön deities and masters, and original photos of many rituals. It also contains interviews with Bө and Utgan priests and priestesses in Siberia together with diary excerpts – including an eye-witness account of an initiation ritual – and photos from the author’s trips in the heartland of the Mongol-Buryats. The costume and ritual implements of a Buryatian Bө priest are dealt with in detail, the paramount importance of the transmission lineages is highlighted, and a list of the major deities of Bө Murgel is given.
Well-written and well researched, Bө and Bön will appeal to scholars and practitioners alike, as well as to all those of an open and inquisitive mind with a general interest in Tibetan and Siberian spirituality. As Charles Ramble, Lecturer in Tibetan and Himalayan Studies, Oxford University, says, “This fascinating and provocative book is sure to stimulate interest and debate concerning the religious heritage of Inner Asia”.
Oral Instructions of Yongdzin Lopon Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche on ཀུན་ཏུ་བཟང་པོའི་སྙིང་ཏིག / Innermost Essence of Kuntuzangpo (also known as Heart Drops of Dharmakaya) by Shardza Trashi Gyaltsen extracted and edited by Carol Ermakova and Dmitry Ermakov. This booklet is a perfect reading companion to Gyaltsen, Shardza Tashi. Commentary by Lopon Tenzin Namdak, Heart Drops of Dharmakaya: Dzogchen Practice of the Bön Tradition (Ithaca: Snow Lion Publications, 1993).
ORDER For many millennia, Yungdrung Bön has been practised in the remote mountainous regions of Nepal which once formed part of the ancient Zhang Zhung empire. Although the tradition’s fate fluctuated with the changing political tides, many aspects of this rich religious culture still survive today.
Bön in Nepal is the fruit of one Bönpo monk’s expeditions into these areas to uncover and document living traces of Zhang Zhung’s culture and religion. Illustrated with over 200 magnificent full colour photographs, this book opens a window onto the lives of Bönpos in Nepal today, gracefully combining Nagru Geshe Gelek Jinpa’s personal diary with his meticulous research to provide the reader with a moving yet accurate account. By matching scriptural texts and historical documents with family histories and local folklore, Geshe Gelek is able to pinpoint several important sacred sites previously lost to us, and through Bön in Nepal we, too, can share his excitement as he discovers, for instance, the mountain hermitage of Zhang Zhung Nyengyud Dzogchen lineage master Ronggom Togme Zhigpo, or the ruins of Bönkor monastery. This book also contains a wealth of information on monasteries, ngagpa centres, family shrines, lineages and rituals regularly performed today in the Bönpo enclaves.
Bön in Nepal is sure to become a favourite among lovers of Nepal’s rich cultural fabric, as well as among those interested in the origins of Tibetan culture and religion and the historical geography of ancient Zhang Zhung and Yungdrung Bön.
“The present book, meticulously and sensitively translated into English by Carol Ermakova and Dmitry Ermakov, offers a highly readable account of Gelek’s journey – or rather, series of journeys – to the main Bon locations of Central and Western Nepal. The lively narrative leads the reader through the gorges and passes of some of the world’s most awe-inspiring landscapes, acutely conveying the challenges of travelling in this unforgiving terrain. Our constant guide on these long marches, the author shares with us his sadness at instances of religious decline or sectarian conflict, his joys at small acts of kindness, and his elation at a historical discovery or signs of vitality of the Bon religion.”
Prof. Charles Ramble
This booklet contains two practices of Sherab Jamma: firstly, teachings on the Wisdom Goddess of Loving-Kindness and Compassion; secondly, the translation of a short prayer to Sherab Jamma along with instructions on how to use the prayer.
Personal security remains elusive even during the most peaceful periods in history since, due to personal and collective karma, all beings in samsara suffer from their own emotional afflictions and meet with negative circumstances, which in turn triggers all kinds of fears and insecurities in each one of us. That is why the practice of Sherab Jamma, the Sovereign of Protection, remains as pertinent today as it was in the distant past when these teachings were first taught to humanity.
These two very essential practices of Sherab Jamma will be equally useful to all Bönpos, whether seasoned practitioners or beginners.
This text has been translated for practice and group recitation during the Du Tri Su Drubchen and empowerment ceremony to be held in Shenten Dargye Ling, France, in October 2018, where Yongdzin Rinpoche has graciously been teaching for many years. The practice and empowerment are offered for the benefit of all sentient beings and for peace in all worlds.
ORDERA collection of aspirational prayers transmitted by the great Bon sage Tsewang Rigdzin and translated here into English for the first time by Yongdzin Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche. The booklet is international bilingual, with Tibetan, English and the phonetic transliteration presented line by line.
Pages: 20
Binding: Saddle Stitch
Interior Color: Black & White
Dimensions: A5 (5.83 x 8.27 in / 148 x 210 mm)
Price: £3.00 (excl. VAT and P&P)
Prints in 3-5 business days
Public books in other languages
«Сущность сердец кхандро: Наставления опыта Бöнпо Дзогчена, Тридцать символов и смыслов от йогинь женской Линии духовой преемственности преемственности Бöнпо Дзогчена». Дзогчен Йетри Тасэл Моджью, это Линия духовной преемственности женщин из различных стран и территорий древней Центральной и Внутренней Азии, которые получили драгоценные учения дзогчена, практиковали их и достигли высшей буддовости в течение одной жизни. Эти удивительные мудрые женщины настойчиво практиковали в разных обстоятельствах. Преодолев все препятствия, обретя прозрение в истинную Природу своего ума и чудесные силы, они передавали сущность своего духовного опыта единственной ученице, следующей держательнице Линии духовной преемственности. Драгоценные капли этих сущностных наставлений были собраны и записаны бöнпо святым восьмого века н. э. Лаченом Дрэнпа Намкхой.
Самый эрудированный учитель юнгдрунг бöна, Йонгдзин Лопöн Тэндзин Намдак Ринпоче, дважды преподал этот текст на Западе, и настоящая книга включает объединённую отредактированную запись этих учений. Книга также включает в себя перевод коренного текста и тибетский оригинал.
БѲѲ и БÖН. Книга 2.
Эта увлекательная и уникальная книга является первым в своем роде глубоким и детальным исследованием взаимоотношений между древней тибетской религией бöн и сибирскими шаманскими традициями с берегов озера Байкал. Соединяя свойства научного исследования с духовным пониманием, дополненная более чем двумястами иллюстрациями, картами и диаграммами, эта уникальная презентация представлена ясно и живо, и позволяет читателю с легкостью обозревать различные темы и следовать за переплетающимися нитями параллелей между древними традициями Тибета и Сибири.
Автор ясно объясняет характеристики различных видов бöна и указывает на то, как и чем юнгдрунг бöн ‒ учения центральноазиатского будды Тöнпа Шенраб Миво ‒ выделяется из них. Он также указывает на меру проникновения и распространения бöнпо культуры в тибетском буддизме, подчеркивая необходимость поддержания открытой и не-сектантской позиции, поскольку обе религии, юнгдрунг бöн и тибетский буддизм, исходят от учений будд, которые проявились в различные эпохи в различных географических регионах нашей планеты.
Эта книга содержит до сих пор неопубликованные интервью с Йонгдзин Лопöн Тензин Намдаком Ринпоче, верховным учителем традиции юнгдрунг бöн, и другими бöнпо ламами выдержки из их учений и презентации, данные специально для этой публикации, а также детальный анализ ритуалов подношения и выкупа. Она богато иллюстрирована изображениями бöнпо божеств и учителей и включает фотографии многих ритуалов. В ней также содержатся интервью с бөө и утган, бурятскими шаманами и шаманками; выдержки из дневников, которые включают описания многих ритуалов, включая ритуалы инициации, подношения и т. д.; и фотографии, сделанные автором во время его путешествий по святым местам Бурятии. В книге рассматриваются в деталях костюм и ритуальные предметы бурятских бөө, подчеркивается первостепенная важность линий передачи в традиции бөө мүргэл и дается описание ее основных богов, называемых тэнгэри.
杨辰, 2010年开始研究本教文化,经常往返于汉藏两地,学习钻研古老的雍仲本教文化。
Книга посвящена сущностным наставлениям мастеров дзогчена – великой устной традиции Жанг-Жунг Ньенджью, которая веками передаётся непрерывной Линией духовной преемственности от учителя к ученику вплоть до наших дней.
Книга может стать путеводителем к реализации собственной Природы ума читателя, поскольку в ней изложенны непосредственные учения современного держателя Линии духовной преемственности Йонгдзина Лопона Тэндзина Намдака и переданы не только слова и истории, но также и благословения.
Книга содержит репродукции миниатюрных икон тсакали, а также ценную вкладку – реконструкцию ветвей Линии духовной преемственности.
Изложенные в тексте учения впервые представлены широкому читателю на русском языке.
• ISBN: 978-5-521-23707-4
• Количество страниц: 182
• Обложка: Твердая глянцевая
• ИздательствоЮнгдрунг Бон
• Год издания:2023
• Переводчик: Ермаков Д.
• Цена: 1 400 руб.
虹の身体の成就者たち ―ボン教のゾクチェン「体験の伝授」の系譜と教え
БѲѲ и БÖН. Книга 1.
Эта увлекательная и уникальная книга является первым в своем роде глубоким и детальным исследованием взаимоотношений между древней тибетской религией бöн и сибирскими шаманскими традициями с берегов озера Байкал. Соединяя свойства научного исследования с духовным пониманием, дополненная более чем двумястами иллюстрациями, картами и диаграммами, эта уникальная презентация представлена ясно и живо, и позволяет читателю с легкостью обозревать различные темы и следовать за переплетающимися нитями параллелей между древними традициями Тибета и Сибири.
Автор ясно объясняет характеристики различных видов бöна и указывает на то, как и чем юнгдрунг бöн ‒ учения центральноазиатского будды Тöнпа Шенраб Миво ‒ выделяется из них. Он также указывает на меру проникновения и распространения бöнпо культуры в тибетском буддизме, подчеркивая необходимость поддержания открытой и не-сектантской позиции, поскольку обе религии, юнгдрунг бöн и тибетский буддизм, исходят от учений будд, которые проявились в различные эпохи в различных географических регионах нашей планеты.
Эта книга содержит до сих пор неопубликованные интервью с Йонгдзин Лопöн Тензин Намдаком Ринпоче, верховным учителем традиции юнгдрунг бöн, и другими бöнпо ламами выдержки из их учений и презентации, данные специально для этой публикации, а также детальный анализ ритуалов подношения и выкупа. Она богато иллюстрирована изображениями бöнпо божеств и учителей и включает фотографии многих ритуалов. В ней также содержатся интервью с бөө и утган, бурятскими шаманами и шаманками; выдержки из дневников, которые включают описания многих ритуалов, включая ритуалы инициации, подношения и т. д.; и фотографии, сделанные автором во время его путешествий по святым местам Бурятии. В книге рассматриваются в деталях костюм и ритуальные предметы бурятских бөө, подчеркивается первостепенная важность линий передачи в традиции бөө мүргэл и дается описание ее основных богов, называемых тэнгэри.
Die Unterweisungen in diesem Buch sind die Grundlage für die Übung und das Studium der Lehren des Yungdrung Bön und werden sowohl für diejenigen von Nutzen sein, die gerade erst angefangen haben, sich für diese älteste und ursprünglichste aller spirituellen Traditionen zu interessieren, als auch für diejenigen, die sie schon seit vielen Jahren erforschen und ausüben, aber auch für Akademiker und Bönpo-Forscher.
Czym są praktyki tsalung i tummo? Skąd się wzięły i czemu służą? W niniejszej książce Drubdra Khenpo Tsultrim Tenzin, lama pochodzący z tybetańskiej tradycji bön, we współpracy z wybitnymi specjalistami w tej dziedzinie, Dmitrijem i Carol Ermakovami, przedstawia historię tych starożytnych technik oddechowych i wizualizacyjnych oraz szczegółowy, wzbogacony licznymi ilustracjami opis ich stosowania w codziennym życiu.
Książka Tsalung i tummo to pierwszy na polskim rynku kompletny podręcznik jogi tybetańskiej, dotyczący pracy z oddechem, kanałami energetycznymi ludzkiego ciała oraz z rozwijaniem wewnętrznego żaru, który przynosi błogość. Zawiera wskazówki pochodzące z Tantry Matki (Magyud), należącej do najstarszej duchowej tradycji Tybetu i wywodzącej się od zamieszkującego Azję Centralną Buddy Tönpy Szenraba.
Libri in Italiano
Le Quattro Ruote del Bön
Questo libro è basato sulla dissertazione di insegnamento tenuta da Kyabje Yongdzin Lopön Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche nel 2010, a Shenten Dargye Ling.
Questa dissertazione combina la traduzione orale del testo originale con le istruzioni dirette provenienti dalla mente del Maestro dei Maestri – Yongdzin Rinpoche, il più illustre ed erudito maestro e studioso dei nostri tempi. Poiché gli insegnamenti contenuti in questo volume costituiscono la vera e propria base della pratica e dello studio dello Yungdrung Bön, questo testo recherà beneficio a tutti, da coloro che stanno appena cominciando ad interessarsi a questa antichissima ed autentica tradizione spirituale fino a coloro i quali già studiano e praticano da molti anni, così come ad accademici e studiosi Bönpo.
Prezzo: €15 piu spedizzione.
Approccio allo Dzogchen secondo
il Ciclo dell’Athri
Approccio allo Dzogchen secondo il Ciclo dell’Athri trascrizione di un insegnamento orale di Sua Santità Lungtog Tenpai Nyima Rinpoche, 33mo Abate di Menri, tenuto a Shenten, in Francia, nel 2010.
L’insegnamento è stato tradotto, trascritto e redatto da Khenpo Tenpa Yungdrung, Carol Ermakova e Dmirty Ermakov, e tradotto in italiano da Lidia Castellano. Riguarda l’Athri, uno dei principali lignaggi di insegnamento Dzogchen nello Yungdrung Bön, di cui Sua Santità era maestro insuperabile.
La trascrizione conserva tutta la freschezza e l’arguzia di Sua Santità, la sua brillantezza e il suo umorismo. E’ un insegnamento pubblico e non ha restrizioni, può essere letto da tutti.
Prezzo: €15 piu spedizzione.
La Preghiera al Grande Maestro Tapihritsa
Questo libretto di pratica include la Preghiera al Grande Maestro Tapihritsa composta da Gurub Nangzher Lödpo e anche i versi di Rifugio, Bodhichitta e Dedica dei Meriti.
Prezzo: €5 piu spedizzione.
These books are restricted to those who have received relevant transmssions and teachings.
Please confirm your eligibility when ordering.
Please respect this condition and don’t pass these books to others.
Restricted books in English

This book is restricted to those who received a face to face (not on-line Zoom etc.) transmission from a qualified lama.
ཀླུ་བསང་། SANG for the LU is a Tibetan-English bilingual edition of the Sang offering for the Lu written by an early Bönpo mahasiddha, Lubön Yeshen Nyingpo. As well as the practice text itself, this booklet contains tables showing the days which are positive and negative for making offerings to the Lu. Since it is simply a practice text, this booklet is restricted to those who have received face to face (not via Zoom, phone etc.) transmission and explanations from a qualified Bönpo lama.
Pages: 16
Binding: Paperback Saddle Stitch
Interior Color: Black & White
Dimensions: A5 (5.83 x 8.27 in / 148 x 210 mm)
Price: £5.52 GBP (excl. VAT & P&P)
Prints in 3-5 business days
To order fill the form below stating your qualifications and title of the book.

This book is restricted to those who received a face to face (not on-line Zoom etc.) transmission from a qualified lama.
Tsewang Rigdzin Long-Life Practice from Tsewang Jyarima cycle as taught by Yongdzin Lopön Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche.
This book also contains Yongdzin Rinpoche’s explanations on how karmic causes affect our lifespan, the relationship between ‘tse’ and ‘la’, the lifestory of Tsewang Rigdzin and his twin brother Pema Thongdrol, as well as a long-life zung and an illustrated teaching on how to allay negative provocations by offering a simple dough effigy.
Pages: 45
Binding Type: Paperback Perfect Bound
Interior Color: Black & White
Dimensions: A5 (5.83 x 8.27 in / 148 x 210 mm)
Price: £6.83 GBP (excl. VAT & P&P)
Prints in 3-5 business days
To order fill the form below stating your qualifications and title of the book.

This book is restricted to those who received a face to face (not on-line Zoom etc.) transmission from a qualified lama.
These oral teachings by Yongdzin Rinpoche contain concise, detailed and lucid instructions on all the fundamental topics of the Dzogchen Path of Liberation. It is illustrated with the photographs of thögal positions, making this an indispensable study and practice manual which can be used both in retreat and everyday practice by serious practitioners of Dzogchen.
Paperback: 105 Pages
Dimensions: Digest (5.5 x 8.5 in / 140 x 216 mm)
Intrerior: Black & White, 60# White
Cover: Full colour, Matte
Price: £8.05 GBP (excl. VAT & P&P)
Prints in 3-5 business days
To order fill the form below stating your qualifications and title of the book.

This book is restricted to those who received a face to face (not on-line Zoom etc.) transmission from a qualified lama.
“བྱམས་མ་གཟའ་ཡི་འཇིགས་སྐྱོབ་མའི་གཟུངས་བཞུགས། Jamma’s extensive magical formula that protects from harm sent by Za planetary gods” is a short bilingual Tibetan-English practice text for a wrathful form of Jamma, The Loving Goddess of Wisdom, called Namchyi Gunggyal, Queen of Outer Sky. Face to face transmission from a qualified lama is required.
Saddle Stitch: 16 pages
Price: £5.99 (excl. VAT & P&P)
Prints in 3-5 business days
To order fill the form below stating your qualifications and title of the book.

This book is restricted to those who received a face to face (not on-line Zoom etc.) transmission from a qualified lama.
༄༅།།སྲིད་རྒྱལ་དུས་དྲུག་གི་མངོན་ཤེས་མེ་ལོང་བཞུགས། / MIRROR OF CLAIRVOYANCE OF THE SIX EMANATIONS OF SIPAI GYALMO is a bilingual Tibetan-English edition of a divination manual. Face to face transmission from a qualified lama is required.
Paperback, 32 pages
Price: £7.23 (excl. VAT and P&P)
Prints in 3-5 business days
To order fill the form below stating your qualifications and title of the book.

This book is restricted to those who have attended at least three Bönpo Dzogchen retreats in person (not via Internet).
This second volume of Yongdzin Rinpoche’s teachings on correcting errors and deviations that commonly arise when one is seeking to understand and practise the Dzogchen View is comprised of two parts. The first part is extracted from teachings Rinpoche gave on Drenpa Namkha’s Namkha Truldzö in the summers of 2005 and 2007 in Shenten Dargye Ling. In the second part of this book, we again return to the topic of the Four Samayas of Dzogchen. This time, the same topic is explained according to two other important Bönpo Dzogchen cycles: Yethri Thasel by Gyerpung Drenpa Namkha and Yangtse Longchen by Nyachen Lishu Tagring.
Paperback, 54 Pages
Price: £7.12 (excl. VAT and P&P)
Prints in 3-5 business days
To order fill the form below stating your qualifications and title of the book.

This book is restricted to those who have attended at least three Bönpo Dzogchen retreats in person (not via Internet).
Four Samayas of Dzogchen and Thirteen Points of Tantra: Teachings by Yongdzin Lopön Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche on Zhang Zhung Nyengyu and Nyamgyu Dringpo Sorzhag contains teachings by three Zhang Zhung Nyengyu Lineage Masters: Yongdzin Lopön Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche himself, Mu Shotram Chenpo and Pönchen Lhundrub Muthur on essential points of Dzogchen as well as an explanation of the Content of Thirteen Sessions of Tantra which have been included here for comparison.
Paperback, 62 Pages
Price: £8.10 (excl. VAT and P&P)
Prints in 3-5 business days
To order fill the form below stating your qualifications and title of the book.

This material is restricted to those who received transmission on this text from Yongdzin Rinpoche or other qualified Bönpo lama (not via Internet).
This booklet contains Rinpoche’s clear instructions on how to protect yourself and those around you from ‘modern diseases’ by: consecrating water for drinking and washing; making a flag with mantras; making tsa-tsa; using Sipai Gyalmo’s seal; wearing herbal medicine, and making a protective travel thread.
These instructions are complimentary to the sadhana itself.
Paperback, 34 Pages
Price: £6.82 (excl. VAT and P&P)
Prints in 3-5 business days
To order fill the form below stating your qualifications and title of the book.

This material is restricted to those who received transmission on this text from Yongdzin Rinpoche or other qualified Bönpo lama (not via Internet).
This book contains an edited transcript of Yongdzin Lopön Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche’s teachings on The Instructions on the Five Buddha Families, Kunga Rangthri Tenpa from Zhang Zhung Nyengyud cycle of Bönpo Dzogchen given in Cergy near Paris in 1999 which were edited and checked against both the audio recording and the original Tibetan text; Nagru Geshe Gelek Jinpa kindly answered a few outstanding questions. This small book represents a faithful reproduction of the words and meaning taught by the greatest Bönpo teacher and scholar of our time, Yongdzin Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche. Any mistakes or omissions that may still be present are the sole responsibility of the transcriber and editors.
Paperback, 32 Pages
Price: £5.15 (excl. VAT and P&P)
Prints in 3-5 business days
To order fill the form below stating your qualifications and title of the book.

This material is restricted to those who received transmission on this text from Yongdzin Rinpoche or other qualified Bönpo lama (not via Internet).
The main part of this Short Drenpa Namkha Tsog, Accomplishment Practice of Khöpung, was discovered by the great tertön Pönse Khyunggötsal. It was first transmitted in the West by Yongdzin Rinpoche in Wells, Austria, in 1995. There were two versions of this Tsog in circulation; the more elaborate one included an offering rite to Mibdüd Jampa Thraggo and tertön Sangngag Lingpa’s Song of Experience, both of which were added by Geshe Gelek Jinpa and are included here. The entire text of this bi-lingual edition has been retranslated and re-edited, the original Tibetan uchen text added, and the phonetic transliteration revised and corrected. This Tsog, therefore, can be practised by those who have received transmission and explanation from Yongdzin Rinpoche or an authentic Bönpo lama.
May it bring benefit to the international Bönpo sangha and all sentient beings! ཐ་ཚན་མུ་ཙུག་སྣར་རོ།།
Paperback, 46 Pages
Price: £7.20 (excl. VAT and P&P)
Prints in 3-5 business days
To order fill the form below stating your qualifications and title of the book.

This material is restricted to those who received transmission on this text from Yongdzin Rinpoche or other qualified Bönpo lama (not via Internet).
Oral commentary by Yongdzin Lopon Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche on Yingrig Dzö (དབྱིངས་རིག་རིན་པོ་ཆེའི་མཛོད་གསང་བ་ངེས་པའི་རྒྱན།) by Shardza Trashi Gyaltsen.
Paperback, 90 Pages
Price: £7.30 (excl. VAT and P&P)
Prints in 3-5 business days
To order fill the form below stating your qualifications and title of the book.

This material is restricted to those who received transmission on this text from Yongdzin Rinpoche or other qualified Bönpo lama (not via Internet).
An edited transcript of the oral teachings of Yongdzin Lopön Tenzin Namdak on Zhang Zhung Nyengyud Dzogchen cycle, 2010.
Paperback, 288 Pages
Price: £25.21 (excl. VAT and P&P)
Prints in 3-5 business days
To order fill the form below stating your qualifications and title of the book.

This material is restricted to those who received transmission on this text from Yongdzin Rinpoche or other qualified Bönpo lama (not via Internet).
An edited transcript of the oral teachings of Yongdzin Lopön Tenzin Namdak on Zhang Zhung Nyengyud Dzogchen cycle, 2011.
Paperback, 270 Pages
Price: £25.10 (excl. VAT and P&P)
Prints in 3-5 business days
To order fill the form below stating your qualifications and title of the book.

This material is restricted to those who received transmission on this text from Yongdzin Rinpoche or other qualified Bönpo lama (not via Internet).
An edited transcript of the oral teachings of Yongdzin Lopön Tenzin Namdak on Zhang Zhung Nyengyud Dzogchen cycle, 2012.
Paperback, 282 Pages
Price: £25.11 (excl. VAT and P&P)
Prints in 3-5 business days
To order fill the form below stating your qualifications and title of the book.

This material is restricted to those who received transmission on this text from Yongdzin Rinpoche or other qualified Bönpo lama (not via Internet).
DRENPA SERDAM: Oral Instructions of the Eighty Wrathful Khandro called The Precious Golden Lamp is an edited transcript of the oral translation and commentary on ༼ དྲན་པ་གསེར་གདམས་ལས། ༽ ཁྲོ་རྒྱལ་༼ མཁའ་འགྲོ ༽བརྒྱ་བཅུའི་ཞལ་གདམས་རིན་ཆེན་གསེར་གྱི་སྒྲོན་མེ་ཞེས་བྱ་བ་བཞུགས་པ་ལགས། by Yongdzin Lopön Tenzin Namdak taught in Buddhas Weg, Germany in Sept. 2014 and Shenten Dargye Ling, France in Sept. 2015.
Paperback, 122 Pages
Price: £11.69 (excl. VAT and P&P)
Prints in 3-5 business days
To order fill the form below stating your qualifications and title of the book.

This material is restricted to those who received transmission on this text from Yongdzin Rinpoche or other qualified Bönpo lama (not via Internet).
Second edition of edited transcript of the oral translation and teachings by Yongdzin Lopön Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche on བྱ་བྲལ་རྗེས་མེད། from Zhang Zhung Nyengyud Dzogchen cycle.
Paperback, 44 Pages
Price: £6.62 (excl. VAT and P&P)
Prints in 3-5 business days
To order fill the form below stating your qualifications and title of the book.

This material is restricted to those who received transmission on this text from Yongdzin Rinpoche or other qualified Bönpo lama (not via Internet).
Lopön Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche’s oral translation and commentary on རྡོཟགས་ཆེན་མེ་ལོང་བདུན་པ་ཞུགས་སོ། Seven Mirrors of Dzogchen by Lachen Drenpa Namkha.
Paperback, 114 Pages
Price: £10.50 (excl. VAT and P&P)
Prints in 3-5 business days
To order fill the form below stating your qualifications and title of the book.

This material is restricted to those who received transmission on this text from Yongdzin Rinpoche or other qualified Bönpo lama (not via Internet).
Translation of ཁོད་སྤུངས་དྲན་པའི་སྙིང་ཐིག་གསང་སྒྲུབ་ཅེས་བྱ་བ་བཞུགས་པ་ལེགས་སོ།། THE SECRET PRACTICE OF KHÖPUNG DRENPA’S INNERMOST ESSENCE by Yongdzin Rinpoche, Dmitry Ermakov and Carol Ermakova, specially adapted for use as Tsog / Ganapuja in Bönpo Sangha.
Paperback, 74 Pages
Price: £9.55 (excl. VAT and P&P)
Prints in 3-5 business days
To order fill the form below stating your qualifications and title of the book.
Restricted books in other languages
Kostbare Goldene Lampe aus dem Zyklus Goldene Unterweisungen von Drenpa Namkha.
Der Inhalt ist ausschliesslich Empfaengern einer Uebertragung durch Yongdzin Rinpoche oder einen anderen qualifizierten Lama vorbehalten
Zeiten 80
Preis £7.50 (ohne Mehrwertsteuer und Verpackung und Porto)
Materials availble from
Shenten Dargye Ling
HELD IN SHENTEN DARGYE LING, FRANCE, as yet not available via FPYB
YLTNR – taught by Yongdzin Lopön Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche
KTY – taught by Khenpo Tenpa Yungdrung
KGG – taught by Khenpo Geshe Gelek
Dzogchen Texts
Nyamzhag Gompa’i Laglen; YLTNR; Paris, 1999;
Kusum Rangshar; YLTNR; Paris, 1999
Gyalwa Chagtri, vol I; YLTNR; Blanc, 2001
Nyamgyud, Chyaru; vol II; YLTNR; Blanc, 2001
Nyamgyud, vol I; YLTNR; Blanc, 2001
Nyamgyud, vol II; YLTNR; Blanc, 2001
Tri Yeshe Lama, Excerpt from Rigdzin Dupa; YLTNR; Blanc, 2001
Dringpo Sorzhag, vol I; YLTNR; Blanc, 2002
Dringpo Sorzhag, vol II; YLTNR; Vimoutiers, 2003
Dringpo Sorzhag; vol III; YLTNR; Vimoutiers, 2004
Namkha Trüldzö vol I; YLTNR; Vimoutiers, 2004
Namkha Trüldzö vol II; YLTNR; Shenten, 2005
Namkha Trüldzö vol III; YLTNR; Shenten, 2006
Namkha Trüldzö vol IV; YLTNR; Shenten, 2007
The Seven Mirrors of Dzogchen (YLTNR and KTY); Shenten, 2005
The Seven Mirrors of Dzogchen ch. 1-4 (YLTNR); Germany, 2011
Teachings on Correcting Faults [excerpt from Magyud]; YLTNR; Shenten, 2005
Gyalwa Chagtri, chapter II; YLTNR; Shenten, 2007
Gyalwa Chagtri, chapter III; YLTNR; Shenten, 2008
Gyalwa Chagtri, chapter IV; YLTNR; Shenten, 2009
Gyalwa Chagtri, chapter V; YLTNR; Shenten, 2011
Yetri Thasel vol I; YLTNR; Pauenhof, Germany, 2007
Yetri Thasel vol II; YLTNR; Pauenhof, Germany, 2008
Yetri Thasel: Mogyud; YLTNR; Pauenhof, Germany, 2009
Yangtse Longchen vol I; YLTNR; Shenten, 2008
Yangtse Longchen vol II; YLTNR; Shenten, 2009
Yangtse Longchen vol III; YLTNR; Shenten, 2009
Practice Texts
Teachings on the Loving Goddess Jamma [instructions and practice]; YLTNR; Paris, 2001
The Healing Practice of Sidpai Gyalmo; YLTNR; Vimoutiers, 2003
Teachings on Chöd; YLTNR; Paris, 2004
Sangchöd and Surchöd [detailed explanation by KTY]; Pauenhof, Germany, 2005
Tummo in the tradition of Shardza Rinpoche [detailed instructions, lineage prayer etc]; KGJ; Shenten, 2005
Purification Practice of the Six Lokas [full practice with graphics plus detailed teachings and guided meditations]; KTY; Shenten, 2006
Practice of the Wisdom Buddha Kengtse [history, instructions and practice]; YLTNR; Shenten, 2006
Daily Practice Booklet: 7-point daily practice from Zijiyd; Precious Mala of Tsewang Monlam; (complied by YLTNR); Shenten, 2006
Rainbow Tent Phowa [Jagurma] vol I [translation of text]; Shenten, 2007
Rainbow Tent Phowa [Jagurma] vol II [Instructions on practice plus Signs of death by Lishu Tagring]; YLTNR; Shenten, 2007
Matri Mantra; [instructions and practice]; YLTNR; Paris, 2008
Long-Life Practice of Tsewang Rigdzin [instructions, practice, supplementary teachings]; YLTNR; Shenten, 2009
Instructions on the Moment just before Dying; YLTNR; Shenten, 2011
Teachings for Newcomers
Ngöndro Teachings; YLTNR; Shenten, 2005
The Four Wheels of Bön; YLTNR; Shenten, 2005
Bönchyod Gurim (Chagtri chapter I); YLTNR; Shenten, 2006
The Nine Ways of Bön vol I; YLTNR; Shenten, 2006
The Nine Ways of Bön vol II; YLTNR; Shenten, 2007
Virtuous and Negative Actions; YLTNR; Shenten, 2006