Foundation for the Preservation of Yungdrung Bön / གཡུང་དྲུང་བོན་ཉར་ཚགས་རིག་མཛོད།

Tag: rainbow body

90th Anniversary of Shardza Tashi Gyaltsen’s Rainbow Body

RIG-GYAI CHYI-PAL KÜN-CHYEN SHAR-DZA-PAརིགས་རྒྱའི་སྤྱི་དཔལ་ཀུན་མཁྱེན་ཤར་རྫ་པ།O, Splendour of the Universe, Omniscient Shardzapa PHO-CHEN-JA-LÜ WÖ DU DENG NA YANGའཕོ་ཆེན་འཇའ་ལུས་འོད་དུ་དེངས་ན་ཡང་། You who have gone into the Luminous Rainbow Body of Great Transfer – DAG-SOG RIG-CHEN SOL-WA-TAB-PA NAMབདག་སོགས་རིགས་ཅན་གསོལ་བ་བཏབ་པ་རྣམས།། I and all fortunate followers pray to you: THUG-JE’E DOR-ME GONG-GYU PHO-PAR DZÖཐུགས་རྗེས་འདོར་མེད་དགོངས་རྒྱུད་འཕོ་པར་མཛོད།Through your compassion, please enable us to enter the unwavering Buddha-Mind! Translated by Dmitry Ermakov, 2023 Today is a special day because it is the 90th anniversary of when the great Bönpo teacher Shardza Tashi Gyaltsen (Shar rdza Bkra shis rgyal mtshan) attained Rainbow Body. Shardza Rinpoche was born in Kham, an eastern region of Tibet, in…
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Dzogchen & Advaita Vedanta

Over the years I have had many discussions on the topic of Dzogchen[1] and Vedanta, particularly Advaita Vedanta, with friends and practitioners of Yungdrung Bön[2] and various schools of Indo-Tibetan Buddhism. Recently, this topic came up again in conversation when a friend  brought to my attention a section of Loel Guiness’ book Rainbow Body that contains an exposition of the Dzogchen view. We had a lively discussion about what was written there after my recent talk at Watkins Books in London and it is this discussion that has prompted me to write this article since, from the perspective of Dzogchen…
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Anniversary of Shardza Trashi Gyaltsen’s Rainbow Body

RIG-GYAI CHYI-PAL KÜN-CHYEN SHAR-DZA-PAརིགས་རྒྱའི་སྤྱི་དཔལ་ཀུན་མཁྱེན་ཤར་རྫ་པ།O, Splendour of the Universe, Omniscient Shardzapa PHO-CHEN-JA-LÜ WÖ DU DENG NA YANGའཕོ་ཆེན་འཇའ་ལུས་འོད་དུ་དེངས་ན་ཡང་། You who have gone into the Luminous Rainbow Body of Great Transfer – DAG-SOG RIG-CHEN SOL-WA-TAB-PA NAMབདག་སོགས་རིགས་ཅན་གསོལ་བ་བཏབ་པ་རྣམས།། I and all fortunate followers pray to you: THUG-JE’E DOR-ME GONG-GYU PHO-PAR DZÖཐུགས་རྗེས་འདོར་མེད་དགོངས་རྒྱུད་འཕོ་པར་མཛོད།Through your compassion, please enable us to enter the unwavering Buddha-Mind! Translated by Dmitry Ermakov, 2023 Today is the anniversary of the great Bönpo master Shardza Trashi Gyaltsen (Shar-rdza Bkra-shis rgyal-mtshan), who attained Rainbow Body on the 13th day of the 4th month of the Wood Dog Year, 1934. Shardza Trashi Gyaltsen (1859-1934) was a great Bönpo…
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Anniversary of Shardza Rinpoche’s Rainbow Body

Today is the anniversary of the great Bönpo master Shardza Trashi Gyaltsen (Shar-rdza Bkra-shis rgyal-mtshan), who attained Rainbow Body on the 13th day of the 4th month of the Wood Dog Year, 1934. To mark this auspicious anniversary, we are sharing the words of Yongdzin Rinpoche given in Paris 10~10~10, during a teaching weekend on Shardza Rinpoche’s famous text Kun-tu bzang-po’i snying-tig / The Innermost Essence of Kuntu Zangpo, also known in English as Heart Drops of Dharmakaya. Here Rinpoche speaks about the importance of Guru Yoga for understanding Dzogchen: This knowledge [of Dzogchen] is something very special, you see.…
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Introduction to the Zhang Zhung Nyengyud Dzogchen Lineage

by Dmitry Ermakov from Masters of the Zhang Zhung Nyengyud: Pith Instructions from the Experiential Transmission of Bönpo Dzogchen Main topics discussed:– Historical background to Bönpo Dzogchen– Qualities of Master and disciple– Introduction to the Path of Dzogchen– Introduction to the Lineage Masters of Zhang Zhung Nyengyud– Structure of Zhang Zhung Nyengyud cycle–  Comparison with writings on Dzogchen by Longchen Rabjampa– Lineage Tree– Zhang Zhung Garab and Garab Dorje– An excerpt from the “Golden Spoon” discovered by Yungdrung Lingpa translated specially for this publication by Yongdzin Rinpoche– A Mongol Connection– Experiential Transmission– Modern-day Transmission

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