Foundation for the Preservation of Yungdrung Bön / གཡུང་དྲུང་བོན་ཉར་ཚགས་རིག་མཛོད།


New Year – New Book by Yongdzin Rinpoche: The Practice of Equanimous Contemplation

We are delighted to start the New Year 2025 with the publication of a new volume of Yongdzin Rinpoche’s Dzogchen teachings. Yongdzin Lopön Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche gave these teachings on Nyamzhag Gompai Laglen: The Practice of Equanimous Contemplation from the Oral Transmission of Zhang Zhung, in the Shambhala Centre, Paris, in April 1997. The text is contained in the first section of Zhang Zhung Nyengyu, The General Presentation of the Outer Views, and deals with all aspects of Dzogchen practice starting from general Preliminaries, through tregchö and thögal, and ending with instructions on practice at the time of death and…
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Lusang: Sang for the Lu

Today we are pleased to offer a new booklet, Lusang: Sang for the Lu, a short but powerful ritual for purifying and pacifying the Lu (klu) or Nagas, water spirits, and asking them for assistance, healing and prosperity.   The Lu can be rather cantankerous so it is important to appease them and atone for any disturbances we may have inadvertently caused them through offering sang (bsang). However, not every day is a good day for this, and it is crucial to make sure you perform this ritual on an auspicious day. Therefore, as well as translating the text itself…
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Nuova collana di libri in italiano / New book series in Italian

Siamo lieti di annunciare che la FPYB ha ora una nuova pagina web per i libri Bönpo in italiano @! Tre titoli sono già disponibili e molti altri sono in arrivo. Per ordinare la vostra copia, basta cliccare sul link che vi porterà all’e-mail della Libreria Nuova Avventura che li ha in vendita, oppure a Paola Malatesta che cura i testi di pratica. Si ringraziano Lidia Castellano e Paola per le traduzioni, Massimo Rabassini per la correzione delle bozze, Lorenzo Spadoni e Dmitry Ermakov per l’impaginazione e il design. We are delighted to announce that FPYB now has a…
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Long-Life Practice of Tsewang Rigdzin from །།ཚེ་དབང་མཆོག་འདུས་ཚེའི་སྒྲུབ་གཞུང་བྱ་རི་མ་ཞེས་བྱ་བ་བཞུགས་སོ།། now available

Today, 10th lunar day, is a special day to honour Tsewang Rigdzin. It is also Bookstore Day, and we are happy to present a new publication and share a 10% discount code for all FPYB books printed by Lulu!Use code RAC10GUYM23FR at their checkout. Recently, several people have contacted us about the Long-Life Practice of Tsewang Rigdzin from Tsewang Jyarima cycle as taught and orally translated by Yongdzin Lopön Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche, so we are making this new re-edited publication available. This book also contains Yongdzin Rinpoche’s explanations on how karmic causes affect our lifespan, the relationship between ‘tse’ and…
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Новая книга Йонгдзина Ринпоче на русском языке

«Сущность сердец кхандро: Наставления опыта бöнпо дзогчена, Тридцать символов и смыслов от йогинь женской Линии духовой преемственности» Однажды в Шентэне Дарджье Линге, европейском бöнпо центре во Франции, где мы тогда работали с моей женой Карол, мы обсуждали различные книжные проекты с Йонгдзином Ринпоче – как и какие книги переводить на другие языки. Он тогда сказал: «Когда юнгдрунг бöн появляется в новой стране, первые две книги, которые необходимо перевести и издать, это «Masters of the Zhang Zhung Nyengyud: Pith Instructions from the Experiential Transmission of Bönpo Dzogchen» и «Heart Essence of the Khandro: Experiential Instructions on Bönpo Dzogchen, Thirty Signs and…
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