Bönpo Centres in Russia
We recently visited two major Bönpo centres in Russia, one near Moscow, the other north of St. Petersburg, and are happy to share this progress report.
Khenpo Drubtön Arta Lama’s centre, near Dmitrov, just north of Moscow, is currently undergoing major renovation. Plans include a library on the second floor of the main gompa, a kitchen, dormitories for retreatants, additional space for thrulkhor teachings, retreat cabins as well as facilities for lamas and of course landscaping the grounds and erecting a stupa.
The second, Khenpo Geshe Rinchen Tenzin’s centre, Pure Lands, covers 16 hectares 180 km north of St. Petersburg and is situated in a beautiful wildlife reserve. Although still under construction, the centre is already home to a group of dedicated practitioners who are taking part in a 4-year Drubdra retreat. The main gompa is already finished, complete with several precious statues and two sets of the Bönpo Kangyur on the second floor which will house a library. It is regularly used for practice and rituals. There is also a smaller meditation room. Facilities include accommodation for resident lamas as well as ample comfortable rooms for practitioners. Work is underway to complete the internal decorations of the main complex, which will house the kitchen, dining hall etc. Several retreat cabins will be bulit on the land closer to the forest.
Dmitry with Lopön Sempa Gyaltsen who currently leads the Pure Lands’ Drubdra group.
May all obstacles dissolve and may the precious teachings of Yungdrung Bön flourish in Russia!
For more info in Russian see Портал о традиции Юнгдрунг Бон | Древняя тибетская религия — BON.SU