Foundation for the Preservation of Yungdrung Bön / གཡུང་དྲུང་བོན་ཉར་ཚགས་རིག་མཛོད།

Tag: Tapihritsa

Dzogchen Teaching Retreat in Tuscany, 4th-6th October (and possibly 7th)

The Supplication Prayer to Lord Tapihritsa contains a very condense explanation on the Base, Path and Fruit as well as the View, Meditation and Conduct of Dzogchen. In this commentary, the current Zhang Zhung Nyengyu Lineage Holder Yongdzin Rinpoche unwraps layers of meaning contained in the prayer and provides lucid explanations on these topics. We are truly fortunate that an erudite Bönpo lama, Drubdra Khenpo Tsultrim Tenzin, a heart disciple of Yongdzin Rinpoche, has kindly agreed to give teachings on this text, which are offered for the first time in the West.

Guru Yoga & Prayer to the Great Master Tapihritsa

Winter Holidays are upon us and so we send many greetings and wishes for good fortune, prosperity and progress in practice to all our friends! Whether you are just chilling out or busy celebrating with family and friends, a practitioner can and should integrate with any circumstances. The best way to stay connected with the essence of practice is to do Guru Yoga. So as a holiday gift, we are offering a download of རྗེ་ཏ་པི་ཧྲི་ཙའི་གསོལ་འདེབས། / PRAYER TO THE GREAT MASTER TAPIHRITSA (translated by Yongdzin Rinpoche & Dmitry Ermakov) as well as a video of Drubdra Khenpo Tsultrim Tenzin chanting…
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Conference Presentations in Print

Two recent video presentations by Dmitry Ermakov, Foundation for the Preservation of Yungdrung Bön, UK, at the 5th International Conference on the Phenomenon of the Holy Mt. Kailash, Universitӓt Hamburg, 25-27 March 2022, are now published in written form. The Importance of Mt. Kailash in the Bön Religion can be read here: The Magical Duel between Milarepa and Naro Bönchung: Who Really Won? can be read here:

The Importance of Mt. Kailash in the Bön Religion

Abstract: Being the most important sacred geographical feature of Zhang Zhung and Tibet, Mt. Kailash was venerated by Bönpos of various creeds from times immemorial. In this talk I will firstly give a brief discourse on the four types of Bön religions to set the scene. I will then examine how the Dhami tradition of Humla, Nepal is connected to the Kailash region. The rest of the talk will focus on the role Mt. Kailash plays in Yungdrung Bön teachings and history: the meaning of its name in the Zhang Zhung language; Mt. Kailash and Lake Mapang as la-receptacles of…
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