Our sixth anniversary – another active year

It’s six years since this Foundation, set up with the blessing of Yongdzin Rinpoche, received its official status as a UK charity, so this weekend we are celebrating another anniversary.
‘Hardly a day goes by without me reading at least one or two pages from your books’
(sangha member)
Each year when we come to prepare the Annual Report for the UK Charity Commission, we think we didn’t manage to do much this year, but then I look over the last twelve months and see that in fact we released several books of teachings, as well as prayers, videos, Zoom presentations and translations! This year we were also able to host Drubdra Khenpo Tsultrim Tenzin for a month here in the North Pennines, and finalise the translations, photos etc for his new comprehensive book on tsalung, tummo, thigle & gagsel practices.
So with great gratitude, we would like to share some of the year’s highlights with you.

As well as the major new publication containing texts specially composed by Drubdra Khenpo Tsultrim Tenzin of Triten Norbutse Monastery,
Tummo: Practice of Self-Blazing Blissful Wisdom from the Compassionate Sun of the Mother Tantra
released last month after 3 years of work, we also published an all-new translation of Short Practice of the Threefold Active Contemplation from Magyu and a Bönpo Divination Manual.
Prayers and invocations available gratis
This year we have translated several short prayers and invocations, all of which are available to practitioners gratis: Prayer to Shardza Rinpoche, Prayer to Tapihritsa (with video), Prayer to 33rd Menri Tridzin.
Short Teachings
This year we added a few more precious words of the masters to our popular Short Teachings series, including a message from Yongdzin Rinpoche recorded during our visit to Nepal last summer.
While Drubdra Khenpo was visiting UK in November 2022, he kindly agreed to record chanting for Gӧnchyo Namsum, Magyu Guru Yoga and Prayer to Tapihritsa as well as demonstrating tsalung, tummo and breathing techniques.

Drubdra Khenpo Tsultrim Tenzin during video recording session. Photo by Carol Ermakova.
Bӧnpo Masters – important anniversaries
To help Western students and practitioners connect with the ancient lineages of Bönpo masters, FPYB prepares posts with prayers, biographies, teachings and more to mark significant anniversaries.
Multi-Media Presentations
Last year, Dmitry was invited to take part in Hamburg University’s conference on the Phenomenon of the Holy Mount Kailash, as the Bönpo representative. Here are links to his two presentations: The Importance of Mt Kailash in the Bön Religion and The Magical Duel between Milarepa and Naro Bönchung: Who Really Won?

Collaboration with other organisations
Triten Norbutse Monastery
We are delighted to see the ongoing progress of the new temple in Triten Norbutse Monastery, Kathmandu. All proceeds from the book How to Practise Dzogchen in Daily Life: Teachings in Triten Norbutse Monastery, Kathmandu, on the occasion of Yongdzin Rinpoche’s 95th birthday, January 2020 are donated directly to this project.

Ponlob Tsangpa Tenzin with other monks and geshes in the new temple, 2022. Photo: Carol Ermakova,
Vajra Books and Publications
Last summer, FPYB signed a contract with Vajra Books & Publications for two more books of teachings that have now been reprinted for sale in Nepal.

Dmitry Ermakov with Nabindra Dongol of Dongol Printers, Kathmandu, preparing books for Vajra Books, Kathmandu 2022. Photo: Carol Ermakova.
Pure Lands
Thanks to a great team effort from many Bönpos in many countries, a full set of the Kangyur arrived in Russia and is now in the Retreat Centre «Чистые Земли» (Pure Lands) in St. Petersburg Region.
We are also delighted that, following Yongdzin Rinpoche’s encouragement and in collaboration with «Исследовательский центр Юнгдрунг Бон (Вечное учение)», Masters of the Zhang Zhung Nyengyud, our first public book of Yongdzin Rinpoche’s teachings, has come out in Russian as Мастера Жанг-Жунг Ньенджью. Сущностные наставления Линии духовной преемственности опыта Бонпо Дзогчена.
Social Media etc.
Last July, FPYB joined several online opportunities for charities. One of these is GoFundMe, so if you are on Facebook, you can easily encourage friends to donate to FPYB as your birthday fundraiser, for instance.
We have just joined Instagram! Follow us here: https://www.instagram.com/fpyb_yungdrung_bon/

FPYB is a very small charity. We appreciate your ongoing support and encouragement and rely on your donations to continue our work to preserve and share the precious teachings of this ancient path to Buddhahood.
Thank you!
Featured photo: Yongdzin Rinpoche discussing publications with FPYB founding members Carol & Dmitry, Nepal, 2022 (photo Largen Lama)