Anniversary of 33rd Menri Tridzin Kyabje Lungtog Tenpai Nyima Rinpoche

Today we honour Kyabje Lungtog Tenpai Nyima Rinpoche, the late Menri Tridzin, who was born on this day, 1929, in Amdo, East Tibet.
You are a supreme scholar among the sons of the Victorious Ones of the Ten Directions,
Великий ученый муж череды сынов Победителей десяти сторон вселенной;
The Omniscient One in whom the essence of Primordial Wisdom is gathered,
Всеведущий, в котором собрана сущность изначальной мудрости;
Through your Buddha-activities, you spread far and wide the profound Teachings of Shenrab,
Вашими просветленными усилиями, широко распространились глубокие учения Шенраба;
I pray to you, Lungtog Tenpai Nyima!
Молюсь Вам, Лунгтог Тэнпи Ньима!
Translated by Dmitry Ermakov
Перевод Дмитрия Ермакова
In 2010, the 33rd Abbott gave teachings on Athri Dzogchen in Shenten Dargye Ling. Here is a quote from the edited transcript:
When we are confronted by difficulties we must be confident in the objects of Refuge and then we will gain some stability. Problems will occur; there is nobody who doesn’t have problems. There is nobody who has no sufferings or obstacles. There are certainly obstacles, but then our trust in the objects of Refuge must be very firm and stable.
Kyabje Menri Tridzin Lungtrog Tenpai Nyima Rinpoche, Approaching Dzogchen according to the Athri Cycle. UK: FPYB, 2016, p. 44.
Thatsen Mutsug Marro! ཐ་ཚན་མུ་ཙུག་སྣར་རོ།།