Research Articles on Bön Now On-Line

While upgrading FPYB website we’ve added a NEW PAGE for research articles on a range of topics connected with the Bön religion and the culture of Zhang Zhung, Tibet, Central and Inner Asia in general. We are kicking of with a paper given at Bon, Zhang Zhung and Early Tibet Conference held at SOAS, London, September 2011 to commemorate 60 years of Tibetan Studies and 50 years of Bönpo Studies in the UK which started when Yongdzin Lopön Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche joined the research team at SOAS on the invitation of Prof. David Snellgrove in 1961.
This illustrated paper by Dmitry Ermakov, Bön as a multifaceted phenomenon: looking beyond Tibet to the cultural and religious traditions of Eurasia, explores the Bön phenomenon from a larger perspective, that of the Eurasian cultural and religious heritage by looking at the following question: do the origins of Tibetan Bön lie in the Tibetan Plateau as such? To answer this, three topics are discussed:
– Firstly, the prehistoric pan-Eurasian cult of the Sky Deer;
– Secondly, the links between rock carvings in Gilgit and Bönpo mchod rten;
– And finally, parallels between episodes in the Ṛgveda and the life story of Ston pa gshen rab.