Foundation for the Preservation of Yungdrung Bön / གཡུང་དྲུང་བོན་ཉར་ཚགས་རིག་མཛོད།

Tag: tibetan studies

Shakyamuni, Sangwa Düpa and Tsewang Rigdzin

Today we are celebrating the anniversary of Buddha Shakyamuni’s Birth, Enlightenment and Parinirvana. Gautama Buddha is, according to Yungdrung Bon, an emanation of Sangwa Düpa who was a disciple of Buddha Tönpa Shenrab Miwo. Here is an article that takes a look at this connection and also raises some interesting questions. After all, it was Buddha Shakyamuni himself who said:

Polish Translation of Magyu Tsalung & Tummo is here!

We are delighted to announce the first Polish translation from our FPYB book series! Magyu Tsalung & Tummo has now been ably translated into Polish by Maciej Czuchra and published in Poland by Okultura. We are very happy with this collaboration and hope there will be more FPYB books translated into Polish in near future. Czym są praktyki tsalung i tummo? Skąd się wzięły i czemu służą? W niniejszej książce Drubdra Khenpo Tsultrim Tenzin, lama pochodzący z tybetańskiej tradycji bön, we współpracy z wybitnymi specjalistami w tej dziedzinie, Dmitrijem i Carol Ermakovami, przedstawia historię tych starożytnych technik oddechowych i wizualizacyjnych oraz szczegółowy, wzbogacony…
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New hypothesis about the location of Silver Castle of Garuda Valley (Khyunglung Ngulkhar)

FPYB is glad to announce a new article Historical annals show Gna’-shul Palace and Khyung-lung Dngul-mkhar (Silver Palace of Garuda Valley) in Central Zhang-zhung to be one and the same by Lama Tsultrim Phuntsok of Gurjam Gonpa (Translated from Tibetan by Pöntsang Phuntsok Namgyal and Dmitry Ermakov, edited with additional notes and Wylie transliteration by Dmitry Ermakov, English text edited by Carol Ermakova). This article puts forward one of several views as to the whereabouts of the famed Khyunglung Ngulkhar royal palace of Zhang Zhung emperors and Kharag, the self-manifested stone image of Zhang Zhung Drenpa Namkha. The author introduces…
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We are delighted to announce the release of our second on-line article, this time focusing on Dzogchen. This piece was originally written as part of an article on Bön that Dmitry Ermakov was asked to prepare for the Russian Encyclopedia of Buddhist Philosophy in 2011.

Research Articles on Bön Now On-Line

While upgrading FPYB website we’ve added a NEW PAGE for research articles on a range of topics connected with the Bön religion and the culture of Zhang Zhung, Tibet, Central and Inner Asia in general. We are kicking of with a paper given at Bon, Zhang Zhung and Early Tibet Conference held at SOAS, London, September 2011 to commemorate 60 years of Tibetan Studies and 50 years of Bönpo Studies in the UK which started when Yongdzin Lopön Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche joined the research team at SOAS on the invitation of Prof. David Snellgrove in 1961. This illustrated paper by…
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