Foundation for the Preservation of Yungdrung Bön / གཡུང་དྲུང་བོན་ཉར་ཚགས་རིག་མཛོད།

Tag: New Book

New Book: “How to Practise Dzogchen in Daily Life”

Today (15th day of the 8th lunar month) is the anniversary of when one of Tönpa Shenrab’s sons, Regent Dungsob Mucho Demdrug (Tib. Gdung-sob Mu-cho ldem-drug), turned the Wheel of Bön. This marked the beginning of the Doctrine of Speech (Tib. gsung gi bstan pa), the second 10,000-year period of this current 30,000-year long cycle of Yungdrung Bön. So we have chosen this auspicious day to release a new book: How to Practise Dzogchen in Daily Life, available as both a printed book and eBook. This short book contains teachings given by Drubdra Khenpo Tsultrim Tenzin as part of a…
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New Book Released on the Anniversary of Drenpa Namkha and Sons

Today is the anniversary of Drenpa Namkha and his twin sons Tsewang Rigdzin and Pema Thongdrol, known together as Yabsesum. We are celebrating this day with the release of a new book: Correcting Erroneous Views of Dzogchen. This volume is a compilation of teachings Yongdzin Rinpoche gave between 2005-2009 and contains advice on how to correct common errors and mistakes that often arise when we try to understand and practise the Dzogchen View.

Magyu Tsalung & Tummo eBook Edition is out

Soon after Magyu Tsalung & Tummo was published in November 2018, we began receiving requests to create an eBook version because it is difficult and expensive to get the printed book delivered to some regions of the planet. So we are delighted to announce that this popular practice manual is now available in EPUB3 Fixed Layout format. Besides the plentiful colour illustrations of chakras and channels found in the printed book, this eBook Edition also contains eight embedded videos in which Drubdra Khenpo demonstrates the thrulkhor movements performed together with breathing and visualisation. So, together with the author, Drubdra Khenpo…
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Launching our first eBook!

Over the years, many of you have asked us to make FPYB books available in digital format. So we are delighted to tell you that today, to celebrate our fourth anniversary as a registered UK charity, we are launching our very first eBook! Please visit the newly-built FPYB eBooks webpage @ Finding a good, secure digital solution that safeguards the sanctity of these precious teachings has taken months, but thanks to Dmitry’s patience coupled with progress in eBook-making software, particularly the new  EPUB3 Fixed  Layout format, we are now able to offer you eBooks with Tibetan script, graphics and…
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Anniversary of the birth of 33rd Menri Tridzin / L’anniversaire de la naissance du 33ème Menri Tridzin

Today is the anniversary of the birth of 33rd Menri Tridzin, Kyabje Lungtog Tenpai Nyima Rinpoche, and we’d like to share with you the good news that the wonderful teachings he gave in the book Approaching Dzogchen according to the Athri Cycle will soon be available in French! Approcher le Dzogchen par le Cycle A-tri will be FPYB’s first publication specifically for the French-speaking sangha, and we’d like to thank Dominque Troulay (Drangsong Yungdrung Tenzin) for the translation. Kyabje Lungtog Tenpai Nyima Rinpoche ‘s teachings are also available in Italian @ as well as English @ With best…
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