Foundation for the Preservation of Yungdrung Bön / གཡུང་དྲུང་བོན་ཉར་ཚགས་རིག་མཛོད།

Tag: New Book

New Year – New Book by Yongdzin Rinpoche: The Practice of Equanimous Contemplation

We are delighted to start the New Year 2025 with the publication of a new volume of Yongdzin Rinpoche’s Dzogchen teachings. Yongdzin Lopön Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche gave these teachings on Nyamzhag Gompai Laglen: The Practice of Equanimous Contemplation from the Oral Transmission of Zhang Zhung, in the Shambhala Centre, Paris, in April 1997. The text is contained in the first section of Zhang Zhung Nyengyu, The General Presentation of the Outer Views, and deals with all aspects of Dzogchen practice starting from general Preliminaries, through tregchö and thögal, and ending with instructions on practice at the time of death and…
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NEW BOOK: Two Dzogchen Texts from KUSUM RANGSHAR, Oral Teachings by Yongdzin Lopön Tenzin Namdak

Yongdzin Lopӧn Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche gave these oral teachings on two Dzogchen texts from Shardza Tashi Gyaltsen’s Kusum Rangshar in 1999 in Paris. Now, twenty-five years later, the international Bönpo sangha has grown exponentially but, since Yongdzin Rinpoche has now retired from teaching, many newer practitioners may never have met or received teachings from him. With this in mind, we decided to re-edit and republish this precious book because it will surely benefit practitioners both old and new. These oral teachings by Yongdzin Rinpoche contain concise, detailed and lucid instructions on all the fundamental topics of the Dzogchen Path of…
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The testaments of Zhang Zhung Nyengyu Masters now translated & published in China / 象雄年居大成就者的言教已经翻译成中文并在中国出版发行

FPYB is so happy to announce that Yongdzin Rinpoche’s teachings on the testaments of Zhang Zhung Nyengyu Masters have been translated and published by Chen Yang in China. This is the first time that the pith instructions of these erudite ancient masters have appeared in Chinese. Many thanks and congratulations to Chen Yang for his tireless efforts in bringing this project to an auspicious completion! Chen began to study Yungdrung Bön in 2010 and has often travelled between Mainland China and Tibet to learn more about this ancient culture. 杨辰, 2010年开始研究本教文化,经常往返于汉藏两地,学习钻研古老的雍仲本教文化。 内容简介: 《象雄年居》是一部详细阐述古老象雄大圆满传承的宝贵著作。这部作品深入挖掘了雍仲本教的文化传统和历史背景,确认其在藏传佛教文化中占据的重要位置。雍仲本教不仅是西藏文化的重要组成部分,也是其精神传统的核心。 本书由西藏藏文古籍出版社出版,并由杨辰翻译成汉语。考虑到学修者携带的便利性,以及阅读的舒适度,本书的装帧方式选定为软精装。为了能让读者更直观的感受象雄年居历代上师的法脉传承,本书采用全彩印刷方式,并精心收录了四十五张高清修复的古老扎卡图片,包括九位意传上师以及三十五位传承上师等。 它不仅记录了象雄年居大圆满法脉的精髓和历代传承上师的教诲,它不仅展示了从未间断的象雄年居法脉的传承序,并首次通过汉文展解开了完整的象雄耳传的神秘面纱。 书中首先介绍了雍仲本波的历史起源,这是一个由敦巴辛饶弥沃创立的大乘佛教传统,以其传授的断道、转变道和解脱道而闻名。特别强调了象雄年居大圆满法脉,这是一条自佛陀以来就未曾中断过的单传法脉。 在此基础上,书籍详细介绍了象雄年居的心髓教法,这些教法被认为是达到佛果的直指路径。书中解释了象雄年居大圆满法的核心概念,如本觉和自解脱,以及如何通过前行法、禅定修持和托噶修法来实践这些教义。 本书还提供了完整的《象雄年居法脉谱系表》,并首度以汉藏双语的形式与世人见面。 书中还收录了历代成就者的言教,这些言教是他们实修经验的精华,对于学修者来说,它们是宝贵的指导和启示。这些言教简洁而深刻,包含了大师们对于大圆满实修的深刻见解和指导,为学修者提供了直接体验本性和实现解脱的方法。 此外,《象雄年居》还强调了修行者在现代社会中应保持的态度和实践的方式。书中指出,尽管古代修行者的生活方式在当今社会难以复制,但通过适应现代生活的同时保持修行,修行者仍然可以实现内心的平静和觉悟。…
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New Book on Magyu Tummo, Tsalung, Gagsel and the Thigle Practice of Four Joys

We are delighted to share with you the good news that a new full colour book on the Path of Method from the Mother Tantra of Yungdrung Bӧn is now available! Tummo: Practice of Self-Blazing Blissful Wisdom from the Compassionate Sun of the Mother Tantra by Drubdra Khenpo Tsultrim Tenzin Translated from Tibetan by Drubdra Khenpo Tsultrim Tenzin, Dmitry Ermakov and Carol Ermakova, with full Tibetan text on each facing page. Illustrations by Yungdrung Rabten. གཏུམ་མོའི་ཉམས་ལེན་བདེ་དྲོད་ཡེ་ཤེས་རང་འབར། མཁན་པོ་ཚུལ་ཁྲིམས་བསྟན་འཛིན། Tummo: Practice of Self-Blazing Blissful Wisdom is a bilingual Tibetan-English hardback edition with 45 full-colour illustrations that includes six texts Drubdra Khenpo composed…
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Bönpo Divination Manual

Today FPYB published ༄༅།།སྲིད་རྒྱལ་དུས་དྲུག་གི་མངོན་ཤེས་མེ་ལོང་བཞུགས། / MIRROR OF CLAIRVOYANCE OF THE SIX EMANATIONS OF SIPAI GYALMO, a bilingual Tibetan-English edition of a divination manual. This divination is connected with the Six Emanations of Sipai Gyalmo, the main Guardian of Yungdrung Bön, and can be done using your mala, a die or by writing your question on earth or paper and arriving at the answer through a mathematical calculation. This text was translated in 2008 by Drubdra Khenpo Tsultrim Tenzin, Geshe Tenzin Yangtön, Carol Ermakova and Dmitry Ermakov in Kathmandu but was never published. It was revised in 2022 and the original…
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