Dzogchen – whether you waste it or keep it properly is up to you

Generally, Dzogchen nowadays seems to be brought down to an easy way, but in our tradition, long before, this was the hardest to understand and study. So in our school, for example, in the monastery, it is the last subject we teach; when everybody is set up and has enough knowledge – then they are ready to be taught Dzogchen. But nowadays it looks as if it’s brought down to a very easy way. Everybody thinks and says – I myself have heard this, too – ‘look to the mind and how it is thinking. If you look there, you cannot find any trace – no trace, no colour, no form – and then there is an unspeakable Hedewa [Tib. had-de-ba] or something for a moment.’ Quite a lot of followers and practitioners are satisfied by that, they believe that that is real Nature. If that were so, then it’s not really necessary to study. […] That is quite a simple way, it looks nice if you do this according to philosophical study but […] if you understand that State, the real View should be the antidote to purify obscurations and defilements. […]
This [Dzogchen] View is the antidote, the complete and very powerful antidote which purifies ignorance and emotions, the five poison consciousnesses and defilements.
So that is why it is important to teach, study and keep [these Teachings] respectfully for years and years; that is needed.
“Whether you waste it or keep it properly is up to you.”
From: Yongdzin Lopön Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche, TEACHINGS ON ZHANG ZHUNG NYAM GYUD (Vimoutiers, 2004), Trnscr. & Ed. by Carol Ermakova & Dmitry Ermakov. [‘Bring po sor bzhag, Ch. 5.]