Foundation for the Preservation of Yungdrung Bön / གཡུང་དྲུང་བོན་ཉར་ཚགས་རིག་མཛོད།

Tag: Bonpo Dzogchen

Anniversary of the birth of 33rd Menri Tridzin / L’anniversaire de la naissance du 33ème Menri Tridzin

Today is the anniversary of the birth of 33rd Menri Tridzin, Kyabje Lungtog Tenpai Nyima Rinpoche, and we’d like to share with you the good news that the wonderful teachings he gave in the book Approaching Dzogchen according to the Athri Cycle will soon be available in French! Approcher le Dzogchen par le Cycle A-tri will be FPYB’s first publication specifically for the French-speaking sangha, and we’d like to thank Dominque Troulay (Drangsong Yungdrung Tenzin) for the translation. Kyabje Lungtog Tenpai Nyima Rinpoche ‘s teachings are also available in Italian @ as well as English @ With best…
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Masters of the Zhang Zhung Nyengyud published in Japanese!

We are thrilled that Masters of the Zhang Zhung Nyengyud: Pith Instructions from the Experiential Transmission of Bönpo Dzogchen came out in Japanese today! རྫོགས་པ་ཆེན་པོ་ཞང་ཞུང་སྙན་རྒྱུད་ཀྱི་ཉན་རྒྱུད་སྐུ་རུ་བཞུག་པ་ལེགས་སོ། སློབ་དཔོན་བསྟན་འཛིན་རྣམ་དག་གིས་དབྱིན་ཡིག་ཞལ་ཁྲིད། ཉི་ཧོང་སྐད་དུ་བསྒྱུར་དང་དེ་རིང་འཇར་པན་དུ་པར་སྐྲུན་བྱས། These precious teachings are from the long version of the Experiential Transmission of Dzogchen from the land of Zhang Zhung (Rdzogs-pa chen-po zhang-zhung snyan-rgyud kyi nyam-rgyud skya-ru bzhug-pa legs so), pith instructions taught by a long line of realised Dzogchen masters, all of whom achieved rainbow body. In the 8th century, the revered Zhang Zhung master Taphiritsa allowed these oral instructions to be written down for the first time. In the 10th century,…
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A word on practising in modern times

Sometimes I read you the biographies of the Lineage Masters who spent their whole life in a cave. So maybe some of you think of cutting off your living conditions and going and living like that. But that is not possible in modern times.

Three Drenpa Namkhas in Yungdrung Bön

In this article, we will take a brief excursion into the story of Drenpa Namkha, one of the most famous and powerful masters in Yungdrung Bön. According to Yungdrung Bön sources, there were three major emanations of Drenpa Namkha throughout history, and all were great yogis and scholars.

Dzogchen – whether you waste it or keep it properly is up to you

Generally, Dzogchen nowadays seems to be brought down to an easy way, but in our tradition, long before, this was the hardest to understand and study. So in our school, for example, in the monastery, it is the last subject we teach; when everybody is set up and has enough knowledge – then they are ready to be taught Dzogchen. But nowadays it looks as if it’s brought down to a very easy way. Everybody thinks and says – I myself have heard this, too – ‘look to the mind and how it is thinking. If you look there, you…
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