“How to Practise Dzogchen in Daily Life” Now Available Worldwide

How to Practise Dzogchen in Daily Life by Drubdra Khenpo Tsultrim Tenzin is now available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Proceeds from printed book sales shall be donated to the Triten Norbutse Bönpo Monastery building project via l’Association Triten Norbutse.
“The Sutra teachings also say many things about the mind, but if you search for the essence of things according to the Sutra teachings as I have just described, then you will never find the Natural State of the Dzogchen Nature. In Dzogchen, you just need to look at the mind. Then, as I told you earlier, at that moment the watcher and what is being watched are liberated by themselves into their own Nature. At that time, your presence(Tib. rig pa / རིག་པ།) appears. Awareness appears. This is the sign. If you want to get the Dzogchen Nature, you must go this way. If you go another way, you will never get it. Never. If you want to become more and more familiar with this Nature, you must practise; it’s not just enough to understand it intellectually, with your mind. You need to practise. Practice is very important. As you practise, you become more and more familiar with this Nature, and then slowly, slowly, all phenomena will appear to you as empty form. But at the beginning, it‘s very difficult to understand this ‘emptiness’ at first. ‘Empty’ means not solid. No substance. Like a rainbow in space – you can see, but you can’t touch. That is what ‘empty form’ means.”
How to Practise Dzogchen in Daily Life, p. 22.
Publisher : Foundation for the Preservation of Yungdrung Bön (26 Aug. 2021)
Language : English
Paperback : 38 pages
ISBN-10 : 1916900526
ISBN-13 : 978-1916900523
Dimensions : 13.97 x 0.2 x 21.59 cm
Amazon price £4.98, Free delivery to Prime members @ https://tinyurl.com/55xs6tk2
Barnes & Noble price $6.50, qualifies for Free Shipping @ https://tinyurl.com/4urefr6w
Also available @ https://tinyurl.com/43z2psjc
Ebook available @ https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=1s9DEAAAQBAJ
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