Foundation for the Preservation of Yungdrung Bön / གཡུང་དྲུང་བོན་ཉར་ཚགས་རིག་མཛོད།

Category: FPYB NEWS

Boundless Compassion

Homage to the Master! This morning Yongdzin Rinpoche received his copies of The Four Samayas of Dzogchen and Thirteen Points of Tantra and Tsewang Mönlam thanks to Largen Lama who brought them from France.  Here Rinpoche is holding the book open at the page with his own photo, taken by Dmitry back in 1996 at Triten Norbutse. As it says in the Tsewang Mönlam: “སུམ་ལྡན་བླ་མ་ཞིག་དང་མཇལ་ནས་ཀྱང་། May I meet with a lama endowed with the three perfections of contemplation, moral discipline and wisdom…” and: “གདུལ་བྱ་བསྟན་པ་དར་ཞིང་རབ་རྒྱས་ནས། May both the doctrines and those suitable to follow them increase ཕ་རོལ་གཞན་སྣང་ཟིལ་གྱིས་གནོན་པ་དང་། and at that time may they…
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Help Dhorpatan Appeal Report: Aid is on the Way

Great News! The funds we all raised for Dhorpatan arrived at Triten Norbutse Monastery last month and are now on the way to Dhorpatan. A Distribution Committee including some Dhorpatan monks now studying in Triten Norbutse and the secretary of Sorig Bumzhi medical school is ready to start distributing relief aid to all the villagers both Tibetan and Nepali.  Thank you once again to all who supported this campaign so generously. Since FPYB’s appeal ended, Baglung district and Dhorpatan in particular were hit by devastating mudslides and floods so the £5000 we raised will make a huge difference to the families there.…
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Скрытые сокровища бöна: тайны Мустанга

Фонд сохранения юнгдрунг бöна (Foundation for the Preservation of Yungdrung Bön ) рад представить вашему вниманию фильм Кхенпо Гелека Джинпы СКРЫТЫЕ СОКРОВИЩА БÖНА: ТАЙНЫ МУСТАНГА с русскими субтитрами. Большое спасибо Анне Егоровой (Trajang Gyalmoe) за перевод и подготовку .srt файла и Дмитрию Ермакову (Dmitry Ermakov) за редактуру. Чтобы включить русские субтитры для видео на Ютьюбе: Settings / Subtitles (CC) / Russian

A Big Thank You: Help Dhorpatan Appeal closes this weekend

Dear Friends! This weekend we are closing the Help Dhorpatan Disaster Relief appeal. On behalf of the villagers there, we would like to thank you all for your tremendous generosity – to date we have raised just over £5,000 pounds. We hope you have enjoyed learning a little more about this remote area of Nepal that was home to the first Tibetan Refugee Settlement and is still home to many ethnic Tibetans, both Bönpo and Buddhist, as well as to Nepali families practising Hinduism. Like most of Nepal, this region can teach us a lot about living side by side…
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Mensaje de Consejos desde Yongdzin Rinpoche a sus estudiantes occidentales

Gurú Yoga es muy importante para las personas que son practicantes. No esperes ver u oír algo como resultado de practicar Gurú Yoga, pero cuando practicas Gurú Yoga como lo haces normalmente con Tapihritsa o lo que normalmente visualizas – no cambies tu visualización demasiado rápido de una divinidad a otra – es muy importante practicar regularmente y visualizar con claridad. Es importante que tu práctica con Gurú Yoga sea pura, y que creas y tengas devoción. Es muy necesario tener esto en cuenta y confiar. Creer. Siempre es necesario tener esto en tu mente, regularmente.

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