Foundation for the Preservation of Yungdrung Bön / གཡུང་དྲུང་བོན་ཉར་ཚགས་རིག་མཛོད།

Tag: siberian shamanism

Connections between Siberian Shamanism, Bön and Taoism

This article is an adaptation of a talk given in Italian on 22nd January, 2023 for Tianwu – Scuola di Medicina Classica Cinese e Arti Taoiste. Thanks to Carol Ermakova for translating it into English.  Topics covered Introduction to the shamanism of Siberia and Central Asia Prehistoric Bön of Eurasia Bön as a multifaceted phenomenon. The word ‘bön’ Etymology of the word ‘bön’ Meaning of the word ‘bön’ Four types of Bönpo religions Prehistoric Bön Yungdrung Bön Doctrines of Yungdrung Bön New Bön Mixed Bön Bө Murgel Bön of the Deer Differences between Bө Murgel and Yungdrung Bön Possible vectors via…
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Swastika Symbology in Bө Murgel and Bön

The swastika has been used as a symbol of good luck, happiness and truth by very diverse cultures in many locations all over the globe since prehistory. Today it can still be seen throughout Asia as a symbol of general good luck. However, this ancient symbol has been much maligned.This short article seeks to dispel misconceptions surrounding the swastika and explores its symbology in four points: Swastika controversy  Swastika as a solar symbol  Swastika in the Prehistoric Bön of Eurasia and Bө Murgel  Swastika in Yungdrung Bön

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