Foundation for the Preservation of Yungdrung Bön / གཡུང་དྲུང་བོན་ཉར་ཚགས་རིག་མཛོད།

Category: FPYB Short Teachings

Anniversary of Shardza Trashi Gyaltsen’s Rainbow Body

RIG-GYAI CHYI-PAL KÜN-CHYEN SHAR-DZA-PAརིགས་རྒྱའི་སྤྱི་དཔལ་ཀུན་མཁྱེན་ཤར་རྫ་པ།O, Splendour of the Universe, Omniscient Shardzapa PHO-CHEN-JA-LÜ WÖ DU DENG NA YANGའཕོ་ཆེན་འཇའ་ལུས་འོད་དུ་དེངས་ན་ཡང་། You who have gone into the Luminous Rainbow Body of Great Transfer – DAG-SOG RIG-CHEN SOL-WA-TAB-PA NAMབདག་སོགས་རིགས་ཅན་གསོལ་བ་བཏབ་པ་རྣམས།། I and all fortunate followers pray to you: THUG-JE’E DOR-ME GONG-GYU PHO-PAR DZÖཐུགས་རྗེས་འདོར་མེད་དགོངས་རྒྱུད་འཕོ་པར་མཛོད།Through your compassion, please enable us to enter the unwavering Buddha-Mind! Translated by Dmitry Ermakov, 2023 Today is the anniversary of the great Bönpo master Shardza Trashi Gyaltsen (Shar-rdza Bkra-shis rgyal-mtshan), who attained Rainbow Body on the 13th day of the 4th month of the Wood Dog Year, 1934. Shardza Trashi Gyaltsen (1859-1934) was a great Bönpo…
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Why do we take rebirth as an ordinary sentient being?

I have already taught something about this Basic Nature. When a thought appears from there and you look towards that thought, the thought disappears and there is a clear presence. Soon afterwards, a thought arises. If you follow the thought and immediately judge it as good or bad or something, then you forget where it is coming from, you forget the source. When you see anything, when an object arises, when for instance something interesting comes, you immediately perceive it as interesting and follow it, and that leads to desire. If on the other hand the objects are not very…
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Mucho Demdrug and Doctrine of Speech

Today is the anniversary of when Mucho Demdrug (Tib. Mu-cho ldem-drug), one of the seven sons of Buddha Tönpa Shenrab Miwoche, turned the Wheel of Bön. When Tönpa Shenrab passed into nyangen ledepa (Tib. mya-ngan las-‘das-pa – parinirvana) in 7817 BC, Mucho Demdrug became Tönpa Shenrab’s Regent (Tib. gdung-sob). He descended on Earth from the realm of Cha (Tib. phywa) when the period of the Teachings of Body (Tib. sku-yi bstan-pa) was completed in 6016 BC and took charge of the Yungdrung Bön doctrines and their propagation in the new 10,000-year cycle of the Teachings of Speech (Tib. gsungs-gi bstan-pa).…
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Essential Instructions on Dzogchen from Yongdzin Rinpoche

Dear Friends, We have just returned from a short trip to Kathmandu and are delighted to share the good news that Yongdzin Rinpoche is very well indeed! He urges everyone to practise, and once again stressed the importance of reciting the Tsewang Mönlam every day. Tsewang Mönlam free download Tsewang Mönlam printed booklet Our heartfelt thanks to Largen Lama, Geshe Tenzin Lodrö and Geshe Kalzang Losar for taking such a good care of Rinpoche for us all! “In Dzogchen, you don’t use thoughts […] Because thoughts make more trouble, thoughts bring more problems, and that is ignorance. Why? Because if…
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本文摘自: 雍孜罗鹏丹增南达于2001年6月3日-15日,在布朗克所授的念居[注:象雄年居的教法分为两部分:年居(经验传承)及念居(四部言教传承)]教法第一部; 英文翻译与编辑:Carol and Dmitry Ermakovi 中文译者:杨辰 编辑:高静 许多人可能都想知道历史上的释迦牟尼佛是否与敦巴辛饶佛有关联?或是如何与敦巴辛饶佛有关联? 敦巴辛绕佛[注1]于18018年[注2]前降临人界,这不是根据我们所处的时代及纪年法[注3]计算的。大家可能觉得这超越了历史记载,一定是某种神话故事。当然可以这么想,但作为本教信众,尽管在时间的长河中经历了诸多大大小小的磨难,我们仍在延续他的教导。本教信众小心翼翼地遵循敦巴辛绕弥教佛的教法,不轻易将听到看到的信息混入教义中,即穷验问守护教法,故而坚信所保留至今的教法殊为珍贵。因此我们的日常学修与研习因明学[注4]就变得至关重要,通过学习与辩论可确保教法的纯净,避免掺入瑕疵。无数个世纪以来,教法一直以最纯净的形式保存着,这就是我们的学修难度甚高且日久岁深的原因。 在敦巴辛绕佛降临人间之前,他住于三十三天的神殿[注5]中。在那里他有一位很特别的弟子名为“拉布丹巴多噶布[注6]”,意为众神之子、戴水晶头饰的圣人。这位弟子是释迦牟尼佛的前世。那时外道[注7]正在破坏人界众生的健康与财富,生灵涂炭。敦巴辛绕弥沃看到了传播外道法与人间苦难之间的联系,也看到通过他的首位门徒可阻止事态的恶化,所以委派拉布丹巴多噶布前往印度,那时的印度是外道学说传播的中心。 “我应该怎么做?如何才能阻止他们?” 拉布丹巴多噶布问到。 “你应该宣扬从我—也就是你的师父这里所听到的一切。”敦巴辛绕佛回答。 然后,敦巴辛绕佛对他的弟子宣讲了佛陀的十二大功绩[注8],并建议弟子通过此法来阻止那些外道者。 因此对于本波教徒而言,释迦牟尼佛所传的一切教法均可接受。尽管我们很尊重释迦牟尼佛的教法,但由于本波派自身就已包含了诸多需要我们学习的教法与知识,所以确实没有更多的时间去修习。 作为本教弟子,我们同样非常尊重释迦摩尼佛的根本教义。但后来这些教义逐渐被增加了很多注释,有些人还可能加入了个人的想法或其他内容,所以现存有很多不同的释论,导致其逐渐与原本的教义相去甚远。当然有些观点也许仍然与释迦牟尼佛原本的教导密切相关。无论如何,我们尊重他的教导和他所宣扬的教义。 敦巴辛绕佛与释迦牟尼佛教义的愿景与主旨相差无几。由于敦巴辛绕佛在大食、沃莫隆仁及象雄[注9]传法,而释迦牟尼佛在印度传法,所以两者只是在名称和语言的应用上有所不同,但教法的含义不分伯仲。原因何在?因为他们之间是上师与弟子的关系。 注1:藏文为སྟོན་པ་གཤེན་རབ་མི་བོ་ཆེ། 注2:此系按照2001年计算的。现在是2022年,是敦巴辛绕佛诞辰18039年。 注3:敦巴辛绕佛的生辰使用的是“辛年(གཤེན་ལོ།)”纪年法,1辛年=100年人寿。 注4:藏文为བཤད་གྲྭ།  注5:藏文为སྲིད་པ་ཡེ་སངས། 注6:藏文为ལྷ་བུ་དམ་པ་ཏོག་དཀར། 注7:藏文为མུ་སྟེགས་པ།   注8:藏文为མཛད་པ་བཅུ་གཉིས།  注9:藏文为རྟག་གཟིགས། འོལ་མོ་ལུང་རིང་། ཞང་ཞུང་།

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