Foundation for the Preservation of Yungdrung Bön / གཡུང་དྲུང་བོན་ཉར་ཚགས་རིག་མཛོད།

Tag: Drenpa Yabse

Anniversary of Drenpa Namkha & Sons

Today is the anniversary of Drenpa Namkha and his twin sons, Tsewang Rigdzin and Pema Thongdrol. So it is an auspicious day to offer long or short Tsog of Drenpa Namkha, if you have transmission, or recite the Prayer to Lachen Drenpa Namkha found in Heart Essence of the Khandro. To read story of the Three Drenpa Namkhas, Tsewang Rigdzin and Pema Thongdrol please click the button below:

དྲན་པ་ཡབ་སྲས་དུས་ཆེན། – Great Celebration of Drenpa Namkha and his twin sons

Today, on the 10th day of 6th lunar months, Bönpos all over the world celebrate Drenpa Yabse Duchen – the anniversary of Drenpa Namkha and his twin sons Tsewang Rigdzin and Pema Thongdrol. Tsewang Rigdzin is an emanation of Buddha Sangwa Düpa and Pema Thongdrol is an emanation of siddha Tagla Mebar. According to traditional Bönpo chronology, the boys were born to Drenpa Namkha and his Indian consort Wöden Barma in Zhang Zhung in 888 B.C. Drenpa Namkha and Wöden Barma later separated. Taking the younger twin Pema Thongdrol with her, the mother went to Uddiana while Tsewang Rigdzin stayed…
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Drenpa Yabse Festival- དྲན་པ་ཡབ་སྲས་དུས་ཆེན།

Today is Drenpa Yabse festival, the annual celebration of Drenpa Namkha and his twin sons, Tsewang Rigdzin and Pema Thongdrol. You can find more information here: It is a particularly auspicious day for practitioners to recite the prayer to Drenpa Namkha found in Heart Essence of the Khandro , and/or perform short or long tsog/ganapuja. Featured Photo: This brass statue of Drenpa Namkha stands in the mountains above Sangku in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. It was consecrated by Yongdzin Rinpoche in 2004. This is a recent photo by Dmitry Ermakov.

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