Foundation for the Preservation of Yungdrung Bön / གཡུང་དྲུང་བོན་ཉར་ཚགས་རིག་མཛོད།

Tag: bonpo books

Anniversary of Drenpa Namkha & Sons

Today is the anniversary of Drenpa Namkha and his twin sons, Tsewang Rigdzin and Pema Thongdrol. So it is an auspicious day to offer long or short Tsog of Drenpa Namkha, if you have transmission, or recite the Prayer to Lachen Drenpa Namkha found in Heart Essence of the Khandro. To read story of the Three Drenpa Namkhas, Tsewang Rigdzin and Pema Thongdrol please click the button below:

Celebrating Seven Years of FPYB

Dear Friends! Today is our 7th anniversary as a registered UK charity, and we’d like to share some of the highlights of this past year with you. Meeting the Masters, Donating Books In February, Carol and Dmitry visited Yongdzin Rinpoche in Triten Norbutse Monastery, Kathmandu and presented him with copies of our recent publications. As ever, it was a very joyful occasion. Thanks to very generous sponsorship, in April we were able to attend the final days of the Menri Drubchen Ceremony at Menri Monastery, Dolanji in India. This was a wonderful event, and as well as meeting friends old…
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Donating FPYB books to Menri Monastery, Dolanji

While in Menri Monastery last month, we were able to visit the wonderful library there. As well as a full collection of Tibetan pecha texts, including some old manuscripts, the library also holds a wide selection of books in English. Khenpo Gelek Jinpa asked us to donate several FPYB publications to the library, and we were very happy to do so. While in Menri, we met Menri Pönlob Trinley Nyima Rinpoche and offered him some of our books, too. As one of his first tasks in exile, Yongdzin Lopön Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche began searching for Bön texts to start a…
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